From: Peter Gluck 

                I have the pleasure to inform you about this new paper of
Dr. Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev published in the on-line General Science Journal
                Nickel-Hydrogen Cold Fusion by Intermediate Rydberg State of
Hydrogen: Selection of the Isotopes for Energy Optimization and Radioactive
Waste Minimization
                Really bold ideas; enjoy! (it is downloadable)
Definitely worth studying, with some interesting angles - but an initial
comment is that like several other theories of LENR, which envision nuclear
changes in the range of 5 MeV due to proton addition to nickel - it
effectively overlooks (fails to adequately explain) the 800 pound gorilla in
the closet - which is the lack of gamma radiation (and/or radioactivity in
the ash). 

For instance, there is an assumption of a lead jacket. This was a feature of
an old design which was dropped. Otherwise the problem is glossed over as
gamma-to-heat. Gamma-to-heat with no leakage is a physical impossibility.
Period. If such were remotely possible we would have nuclear powered
aircraft today.

In fact the excellent study over many hours of operation (Bianchini) does
indeed show no gamma above ambient. Any theory which cannot account for this
is a no-show.

In conclusion - there is no doubt that if we believe anything about the
Rossi reactor of today based on demos - they produce no gamma radiation. The
HotCat, which is by far the most robust LENR reactor every documented - is
unshielded. No lead jacket, no gamma. There is no possibility of any prime
reaction - if that reaction is producing quanta over about 2 keV. 

The proton addition reaction, as it is known to nuclear science - is
dead-in-the-water as an explanation for the best results we have in the


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