Jones-Axil, Ed, etal

Check out the current (Feburary) issue of Scientific American--page 32--regarding the radius of the proton. Seems the wave functions overlap better than one might have concluded from old theory.

The researchers have interesting connections to active long-term LENR theory development at MIT. Ironical.

-----Original Message----- From: Jones Beene
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:35 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Curious paper from SLAC

A contact from LBNL told me years ago that there were researchers in top
labs doing LENR-related research, but the Lab administrators would never
known it - since the title and field of inquiry would be carefully
constructed to hide the fact.

This seemed preposterous to me back then, but I just stumbled on a paper
that makes me wonder. Well, it clearly is not a ruse, but it would be a
great surprise if Nilsson's group had not seen an energy anomaly in this

The paper turned up using the search terms:
hydrogen, nickel, potassium, CNT
....since that combination seems like the best guess for the Rossi

No smoking gun of course, but interesting parallel path.

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