If the past is prolog, the Papp engine produced very little if any heat.
The same will be true for the Mills engine.

Mills engine energy production will come from two places: pressure/shock
wave expansion with associated plasma movement and the production of excess
electrons. These two energy sources were the source of the over unity power
production derived from the Papp engine and these sources should be the
same for the Mills engine.

The one important engine design idea that has not made it into Mills' head
yet is the requirement to setup positive feedback loops that leverage these
two energy sources to optimize Mills engine power production.

I fear that Mills fantasy doctrinaire will blind Mills to these important
engine design priorities in the design and the development of the Mills

Can Mills discard the science religion that has fed him and built a legion
of faithful and adoring followers be abruptly discarded in altruistic
pursuit of truth and subsequent open source engine design success? It will
never happen.

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