Jones Beene <> wrote:

Well not so poor as the Soviet design of Chernobyl, but Babcock & Wilcox
> was clearly at fault - and at TMI also. The government secretly bailed them
> out of some liability or they would have gone under long ago.

It is not a bit secret. See the Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity
Act, which has been in force since 1957. There would be no nuclear power
industry without it. The insurance company could never afford to cover a
nuclear power plant. The Japanese government also covers liability for
nuclear accidents, yet despite this the Fukushima disaster has effectively
bankrupted TEPCO the world's largest electric power company, and that not
even begun to pay off the damages.

There are also load guarantees. The US government just signed off
guaranteeing a $6.5 billion loan to Georgia Power to build another nuclear
plant, which is now under construction. See:

- Jed

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