
On further reflection and careful reading, I do not think Axil considers he has 
blundered--only Mario.

Mario's blog does not say boo about LENR as far as I can tell.  

He is interesting, nevertheless.  Here is one of his statements:

"Some fallacies are very seductive, and avoiding them requires a close 
examination of the logic involved. A famous one concerns the warning against 
stepping onto a "slippery slope." No one likes to embark on something that 
inevitably leads to disaster, but one should always investigate how likely such 
a slide truly is. The fact that something could happen doesn't necessarily mean 
that it will, or even that it is likely to happen-not every action opens the 
floodgates. In particular, we should never allow fear of fallacious slippery 
slopes to stifle our natural curiosity."-Mario Livio 10 /2012

It strikes me regarding the current  Vortex-l thread  --- Is There An Echo In 
Here"--   regarding bitcoin happenings, this suggestion by Mario may have been 
bad  advice for some bitcoin proponents.  

However, thankfully, many LENR advocates have followed Mario's 
advice--particularly the part about "we should never allow fear of fallacious 
slippery slopes to stifle our natural curiosity."

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Roarty, Francis X 
  Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:08 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:My personal brilliant blunder



  From: Axil Axil [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:20 PM
  To: vortex-l
  Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:My personal brilliant blunder


  Mario Livio states as follows:  "In my own life as a scientist, there was one 
occasion when I felt that a deep secret of nature had been revealed to me. This 
was my personal brilliant blunder. I remember it with joy, even though my 
dreams of glory were shattered. It was a blissful experience. It arose out of 
work that I did with my colleague Andrew Lenard from Indiana University, 
investigating the stability of ordinary matter. We proved by a laborious 
mathematical calculation that ordinary matter is stable. The physical basis of 
stability is the exclusion principle, a law of nature saying that two electrons 
can never be in the same state. Matter is stable against collapse because every 
atom contains electrons and the electrons resist being squeezed together.

  My blunder began when I tried to extend the stability argument to other kinds 
of particles besides electrons. We can divide particles into two types in three 
different ways. A particle may be electrically charged or neutral. It may be 
weakly or strongly interacting. And it may belong to one of two types that we 
call fermions and bosons in honor of the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and the 
Indian physicist Satyendra Bose. Fermions obey the exclusion principle and 
bosons do not. So each particle has eight possible ways to make the three 
choices. For example, the electron is a charged weak fermion. The light quantum 
is a neutral weak boson. The famous particle predicted by Peter Higgs, and 
discovered in 2012 at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), is a 
neutral strong boson.

  I observed in 1967 that seven of the eight possible combinations were seen in 
nature. The one combination that had never been seen was a charged weak boson. 
The missing type of particle would be like an electron without the exclusion 
principle. Next, I observed that our proof of the stability of matter would 
fail if electrons without the exclusion principle existed. So I jumped to the 
conclusion that a charged weak boson could not exist in a stable universe. This 
was a new law of nature that I had discovered. I published it quietly in a 
mathematical journal."

  Oh contraire; but what Mario Livio had not understood was that electrons can 
become bosons when they combine with photons to form the quasi-particle the 
polariton in condensed matter physics. 

  Because they are bosons, Polaritons can be squeezed together in a special 
case called LENR.  This squeezing can provide polaritons and the electrons that 
lurk within them with massive amounts of energy because one time fermions avoid 
the constraints of the exclusion principle. As a result of this marriage of 
electron and boson and the unusual conditions of their wedding, matter does 
fall apart when exposed to polaritons under these very special conditions.

  Mario Livio should get his old book of equations out and brush it off. Soon 
we will need that book of equations for reference.




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