
This seems like a simple experiment to replicate, based on the patent
disclosure. Go for it!

Add magnets and a nearly coherent light source (sodium vapor bulb) and you
are almost there.

Instead of pure heavy water - 50/50 cost only a small fraction as much, and
since it will probably produce tritium preferentially - all one needs to
prove LENR is a Geiger type radiation monitor instead of an expensive helium

This could essentially be pulled off by any high school student - assuming
that Cooper is correct on the very low input requirement.

                From: Frank roarty 

                Jones, Yes, I agree.. the paper from Cornell re catalytic
action only occurring at openings and defects in nano tubes would also lend
support to your suspicion that he may be legit. He is in the correct
industry and may have discovered a way to increase the defects thru self
assembly that would surpass the random nature of the tubules approach. We
know water molecules do some unique alignments when drawn thru a nano filter
and we know multiwall nanotubes basically self assemble so perhaps he has
married tubes to some geometric compound that naturally forms alternating
geometries inside the nanotube..basically the Haisch- Modell tunnels but
much smaller and self assembled.

                From: Jones Beene 

                Prolific inventor, possibly in LENR: "Christopher H. Cooper"


                Is Chris legit ... or is he more of a patent troll? 

                Over 200 hits and no known data or publications that I can
find to back up the claims... at least the excess energy claims. No papers
on LENR-CANR or elsewhere pop up on google.

                Here is why I ask - many of his filings are definitely LENR
based, but there is not much evidence that any have been reduced to
practice. Most of them seem to have been filed after the Rossi information
about "tubules" or whatever it was.


                However, he appears to be affiliated with a water filtration
company, Seldon Technologies of Vermont, which seems to be a player in CNT
filters - so it is quite possible that he stumbled onto the energy anomaly
via other R&D.

                I would love to see the data - if there is any.


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