Jones and Fran--

Brown in the paper cited does NOT include the effect of magnetic fields. This omission would seem to be relative to one of his conclusions which follows from the paper:
The intrinsic complexity of this exact method and the inapplicablity of a per-

turbative approach have so far confounded our attempts to establish a lower

bound on the absolute minimum site energy. It follows from the variational

principle that inclusion of higher |s, n) states, as well as further increase in pla-

quette size, will result in even lower minimum energies. A mean-field approach

is perhaps indicated, but we have as yet to find a sufficiently accurate formula-

tion. It is nevertheless already clear from the above data that entangled states

are favoured in the stoichiometric regime. The existence of a low temperature

phase in which all the deuterons cohere in a mesoscopically entangled state is

hence strongly indicated.<<

He suggests the inclusion of higher Spin--s--,n states will make reactions possible at lower energy input to the system.

The math may be very hard to do the magnetic field/spin coupling?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jones Beene" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The Dirty Dozen Basic routes to thermal gain for hydrogen in a lattice

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook

Jones Bob here--

You indicated the following:

 >> Chris did not mention SPP implying that he probably does not know of
the plasmon polariton mechanism. It's too late now even though applications
can be altered and augmented (but one loses priority).

Has anyone you know mentioned SPP in a patent?

Yes but the first instance is not clear. See Egely: WO 2012164323 A3

But one cannot be the inventor of anything already known in prior art
whether it is mentioned in a patent filing or in the scientific literature.

Mention of SPP was made in the literature as far back as 1985. The first
instance I can find on Vortex is from GJB in 2011:

But I think the main credit for SPP in LENR goes to Julian Brown. I cannot
find the exact paper but he is/was prolific.

This is an important point and it would be helpful to track it down, but I
do not have time today.


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