Here are some marginally connected observations which could be relevant to
CNT (carbon nano tubes) as the active matrix in LENR, when irradiated by
SPP. A prediction also can be derived as to what spectrum to look for as a
signature of CNT anomalous gain.

The carbon-carbon bond length in graphene is about 0.142 nanometers. 

Since there are 6 of these bonds in one complete circuit around the ring but
the electron path is not uniform ... the effective length of the electrical
circuit for ring current could be near one nm in graphene. We can use that
value as a convenient starter.

There are no losses in ring current ... so can it not be considered
superconductive at a local level? 

In normal graphene, antiferromagnetic tendencies wash out the possibility of
a net effect in developing a strong magnetic field, since an systemic
alignment mechanism is absent. With CNT this would be different.

BTW - a photon of 3 x 10^17 Hz, or 300 PHz  (PetaHertz) which is on the
borderline of EUV and X-ray corresponds to this wavelength (1 nm). This is
about 1240 eV as we know from hc. This level of mass-energy as a photon,
1240 eV would be undetectable by most radiation monitors, and is thus
consistent with a resonant LENR emission. This value for a photon, or a
value closer to 1 keV, could turn up as a signature for CNT LENR.

Ring currents could create a large axial effective magnetic field in CNT
when first aligned by even a weak PM. However think about the polarities.
There are many ring current sites around the circumference of the CNT, and
these would be alternating in polarity. The net effect of this geometry is
that field lines down the center of the CNT would be focused and compressed
by ring currents as if they were typical focusing magnets in a beam line. 

These resultant axial magnetic fields of CNT could be immense, so as to
accelerate free electrons which ventured into the tubes to very high
velocity, especially with help from Casimir exclusion.  Now the stage is set
for feedback leading to coherency.

Using the definition of ~6×10^18 electrons per second constituting one amp
and one mole being of ~6 X10^23 elementary entities, and the frequency being
PHz due to SPP, then it is possible that each gram of carbon could supply
Peta-Amps-turns to internal magnetic uses. Even if one carbon ring per
million is operational, very large net energy effects are possible via
accelerated electrons. Photons are created from Bremsstrahlung at the
resonance level around a keV and coherency develops.

For any photon to be converted into DC in such a way as to amplify ring
current, it is fair to assume that it must be resonant within a narrow limit
of the circuit length. It could then be possible for some kind of mutual
coherency to develop in a feedback loop between the CNT, acting as
nano-accelerators of electrons, and photons created from Bremsstrahlung at
the resonance level around 1240 eV or less. Knowing this exact value would
be highly advantageous in the design of a proper resonant device.

More details to follow ... 

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