I wonder what effect CNTs would have mixed into the precursor alloys of 
skeletal cats. Would the alloy and the leaching agents be drawn into the tube?
From: Jones Beene [mailto:jone...@pacbell.net]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 12:57 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Resonant photons for CNT ring current

Bob, all

If Rossi can be believed, he did not use CNT (at least not originally) but 
instead - his tubules are made of nickel via a proprietary process which adds 
porosity and surface features.

Nickel is ductile and CNT are stiff and 500% stronger than nickel. But CNT is 
not a spillover catalyst, like nickel. In short the original recipe can 
probably be improved, and may have been improved already.

Given all of the info out there from various sources, it would seem that a 
superior Ni-H reactor media would be composed of carbon nanotubes on which 
nickel has been deposited... or preferably a nickel alloy. The Romanowski 
alloys are far superior to nickel, palladium or anything else as spillover 
catalysts. The citation is in the archives.

From: Bob Cook

It sounds like Jones thinks that a combination of CNT's (the hairs) and Ni 
distributed on their surface some how is what Rossi has used.

Jones.  Is this what you meant by: "
"It would probably be more productive to come at this from the standpoint of 
adding something to CNT instead of subtracting something from nickel?"

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