
I had the same concerns you voice when I read Rossi's statements some time ago. 

Regarding your comment about breathing hydrogen,  I think it safe to assume 
that in the Rossi system the hydrogen is diffused through the material whatever 
it is at 12 atmos. and 300-400 degrees.  Assuming the Ni nano particles he 
refers to are the active locations for the reaction,  and only a small fraction 
react in any given time interval, being controlled by his cat, destruction of 
the whole system at once may not be likely.  However with enough time the 
reactor uses up the intact  nano particles and the process shuts down. 

 I believe in his E-Cat low-temperature device too high a temperature shuts the 
reaction off, maybe by shifting phonon resonances.  Not so in the Hot Cat.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Roberson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 3:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

  I recall reading Rossi's blog around the time of the points you have 
captured.  That must have been an impressive display to actually see such an 
enormous amount of power being generated.  My first thought would have been to 
run like mad!

  If what he said is factual then I agree that some special factor must have 
come to play that does not normally exist in nickel systems.  Actually, I find 
it difficult to understand how the material would be able to breathe well 
enough to allow entry of the fresh hydrogen and exit of the ash needed to 
supply the intense power.  With that thought in mind, does this suggest that 
the run away process mainly results from the burning of the fuel that is 
already in place within the matrix?

  How would we calculate the amount of extractable energy that resides within 
the nickel NAE prior to what we consider normal ignition?  It scares me to 
consider that they might be attempting to accomplish a task that resembles 
firing a tiny amount of dynamite from a large pile while being careful not to 
ignite the whole works.  In earlier descriptions from Rossi he made it clear 
that meltdown of the nickel is all that is required to extinguish the process 
and render the material inert.  Is it possible that he has so enhanced the 
process that a dangerous level of activity can now occur?  If so, I prefer the 
safer version for my house.

  Axil, do you think that DGT and Rossi have somehow advanced a notch above 
where Rossi once operated his ECAT?  If so, perhaps they have advanced above 
what we called LENR+ to SUPER-LENR.  I would rather hope that there is a well 
defined natural limit to the amount of power that can be extracted from one of 
these devices and that the limit is only a couple of times higher than the 
desired operating level.   Anyone developing a product of this nature should 
realize that more is not always better when you are concerned about safety.

  The enhanced magnetic field positive feedback mechanism might be the ticket 
to reaching extreme activity under the right conditions.  Earlier versions of 
the ECAT may have been unable to tap this extra high octane pathway due to the 
design and materials used within the structures.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
  To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
  Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 5:28 pm
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

  I have compassion for classical science guys like Ed and Mills. What is going 
on in the NiH reactor is truly abundant of quantum mechanical effects all 
interwoven into a near miracle. This must be expected if such a small 
nano-sized system that far surpass the designs, capabilities and power of the 
ITER and the laser based ICF

  Another thing that is happening is that all the magnetic NAEs are connected 
together into a BEC through photon transfer coupling. There is an indication 
that this is so because of the superfuidic transfer of energy around the entire 
reactor stucture.
  Indicative of this comes from the overpower tests that distroy Rossi’s 
reactors. If the energy was centralize near the nickel powder, there would be 
an intense hotspot and a rapid burn through at that hotspot. But the reactor 
heats evenly to the piont that even the high temperature material cinters 
  Rossi spoke to this matter as follows:
  Here are some of the key points that Andrea Rossi has made on the topic over 
just a couple of days.
  • “If we give too much energy to the reactor the temperature raises above the 
controllability limits and the reactor explodes . . . Now we have a mouse with 
a COP above 1 and a Cat with a COP with zero energy consumption. If the Mouse 
excites the cat too much, the cat gets wild and explodes. We must not risk 
reaching this level. We have seen explode hundreds of reactors now, this way.”
  • “The explosions, or destructive tests, are made in controlled modes, in 
proper lab, with due control of the radiations made by proper instrumentation . 
. . obviously, no ionizing radiations are released outside the safety box in 
which the reactor is destructed.”
  • “Anyway: now we will estabilish the limits of the allowable excitation with 
series of destructive tests, then the control engineers will design the final 
version of the control system for the new limits of the temperature of the high 
temperature E-Cats ( Hot Cats).”
  • “Presently our E-Cat is working ( also right now, while I am writing this 
comment) at a temp of 1,100 Celsius, very stable.”
  • “A nuclear Physicist, analysing the registration of the data, has 
calculated that the increase of temperature ( from 1 000 Celsius to 2,000 
Celsius in about 10 seconds), considering the surface that has increased of 
such temperature, has implied a power of 1 MW, while the Mouse had a mean power 
of 1.3 kW. Look at the photo you have given the link of
   and imagine that the cylinder was cherry red, then in 10 seconds all the 
cylinder became white-blue, starting from the white dot, where is placed the 
charge, you see in the photo ( after 1 second) becoming totally white-blue in 
the following 9 seconds, and then an explosion and the ceramic inside ( which 
is a ceramic that melts at 2,000 Celsius) turned into a red, brilliant powder 
made of small stones, like rubys. When we opened the reactor, part of the AISI 
310 SS steel was not molten, but sublimated and recondensed in form of 
microscopic drops of steel.”
  This last comment provides fascinating illustration of the tremendous power 
involved in this mysterious E-Cat reaction. To have the reactor increase in 
temperature 1000 C in just 10 seconds seems quite extraordinary, and obviously 
potentially dangerous if sufficient safety precautions are not taken. If the 
reaction was centered on only the nickel powder, an even meltdown would not 
  It takes a lot of power (3000C) to vaporize high temperature aluminum oxide 
based ceramic material are reform it into rubies. 

  On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:01 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

    It is difficult to imagine how each of the individual components add 
together to yield a total picture.  And, magnetic coupling seems to be one of 
the worst types of systems to follow.

    I understand the concept that many electrons are moving together along one 
direction to form the large field in this idea.   But, the total field consists 
of a sum of that due to the electrons motions working against the drive field.  
 Lenz's law usually suggests that the electrons attempt to lower the initial 
field which also tends to reduce the magnetic field energy.  If this holds, 
then the total field would be less than the incident field without the 
electrons.  This is the issue that keeps diverting my thoughts.

    So far I fail to understand how the energy is released in such a manner as 
to increase the driving field.  It must be some force of nature that causes 
this to occur and I suspect that the process will become clearer with more 
supporting measurements.

    From earlier discussions with Axil, he states IIRC that once a photon and 
an electron join that the total acts like a DC magnetic field.  That is quite 
impressive for an AC system to become a DC one.  Of course if this is true, 
then many of these acting together might generate the large overall field that 
we seek.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com>
    To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

    Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 3:32 pm
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"


    I may be that the electrons are moving in a group (a solariton) in the 
local magnetic field and the group magnetic moment is in fact lined up properly 
so that only one direction is possible.

    In addition the solariton having considerable angular momentum for a single 
entity, some of the energy may be distributed to the spin of other particles in 
the  QM system.  As noted yesterday,  Dr. JS Brown's paper is pertinent.  

    arXiv.org > cond-mat > arXiv:0711.1878

    Bob Cook
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: David Roberson 
      To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
      Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 11:29 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

      The source of the magnetic field is the big question.  No doubt that 
electrons in motion throughout the active material could generate the field, 
but I ask myself why these electrons happen to be typically moving in the same 
direction since if they are randomly released by the reaction, their effect 
would balance out on the large scale.

      We now suspect that a positive feedback mechanism is able to direct the 
LENR such that new fusions reinforce the original magnetic field.  If an 
electron is released within a strong magnetic field, it can freely follow the 
lines of flux.  But that motion would generate a tiny field at right angles to 
the large guiding one.  This behavior just does not appear to result in 
positive feedback.

      Like you, I have difficulty believing that all the energy is released in 
the form of heat.  There is an out to this problem if the energy is released 
into a collective system of charged particles in the nearby lattice.  And, if 
the guiding magnetic field acts as a coupling mechanism between the nearby 
electrons for example and the fusion site, then perhaps a large retarding force 
can be presented to the active site allowing energy to couple away.    The 
instantaneous magnetic field that a newly accelerated charged particle 
encounters is actually determined by the history of the nearby moving charges 
and not their motion at the present time.


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
      To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
      Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 2:04 pm
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

      I believe that heat is not the only product of the LENR reaction. It may 
not even the most important sink for LENR power generation. I believe that 
electron production is a major magnification of over unity power generation.
      Rossi indicated that there was an unknown source of current production in 
his reactor and he was looking into how this could happen.
      I know that the PAPP engine produced current out of whole cloth. The 
design of the engine depended on it.  
      Here is my take on where these electrons are coming from. When the 
magnetic field strength gets strong enough, mesons are condensed out of the 
vacuum. The final decay products of mesons are electrons.

      On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:34 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

        I also find it amazing that DGT seems to overlook the implications of 
their discovery.  It reminds me of not seeing the forest through the trees.

        Since Rossi made an earlier claim that he might be able to generate 
electricity directly by some obscure discovery, I suspect that he realized the 
importance of the large magnetic fields residing within his device.  So far he 
has kept this type of information private, carefully leaking out the news of 
some non specific discovery.  Rossi knows when to release findings that might 
assist competitors.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
        To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
        Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 1:23 pm
        Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

        Like you, any one of us can only  do so much of what is required. To 
come up with an all inclusive theory, we must trust the word and the work done 
by others. 

        I must admit that I trust DGT. So far, their experimental observation 
about magnetic field strength has no impact on the theory (HEMI) that they put 

        They have no theroritical based interest in misleading us to advance 
their theory base on Dr. Kims work.

        Like us, DGT is simply amazed at the magnetic nature of their 
experimental find but have not connected it to HEMI in any way. This is hard to 

        On the part of DGT, there is no self interest in tossing an almost 
unbelievable finding into their finding and in fact this finding undercuts HEMI.

        In fact such a finding is a major distraction. They really need to do a 
major rethink of their experimental position on HEMI and BEC as per Dr. Kim.

        On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> 

          On Mar 2, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Axil Axil wrote:

          > These Nanoplasmonic experiments with uranium can be done 
inexpensively, why can’t Ed replicate these experiments?

          Because I have only two hands and no financial support.  If you want 
this replicated, I suggest you hire someone to do this.

          Ed Storms

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