Agreed..and this field seems to require a careful balance upon the head of a 
pin to keep the active region heat sunk enough to draw off energy while not 
allowing the reaction to drop off or run away. This is why I posit that 
eventually there will be birth to grave precautions taken to safeguard the 
geometry and why I think so many previous tests have failed like MAHG and 
Patterson beads that could have been both more robust and lasted longer 
[repeatability] had the materials been created and maintained with an inert 
blanket.. Mills does this to a limited level by keeping Rayney Nickel wet but 
even there he has the potential for water vapor to react with the most active 

From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 3:04 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

What is the course of an open ender positive feedback loop without limit. An 
eventual explosion. Nothing lasts forever in a positive feedback loop. There is 
always a limit to everything.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 3:00 PM, David Roberson 
<<>> wrote:
Interesting.  But how does the net field become large unless some mechanism 
coordinates the destruction of the balls?  Many random direction vectors yields 
near zero sums.


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <<>>
To: vortex-l <<>>
Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 2:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"
Yes, there is a load of fun in this sort of speculation. One possibility is 
that micro sized magnetic balls as described by DGT that start small and grow 
to huge power until they explode could produce a varying magnetic field that 
would induce a current through changing magnetic flux..

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 2:46 PM, David Roberson 
<<>> wrote:
That brings back fond memories.  He does say e.m.f. which makes me wonder how 
he performed that measurement.  I would anticipate that he must use at least 
two probes to come to that conclusion and his active material hopefully does 
not short out the voltage.

Another possibility is that he measured a large magnetic field which he assumes 
must be as a result of DC current flowing.  Since DC current or AC for that 
matter requires a loop voltage in order to flow, it makes sense to believe that 
an e.m.f. is present.  Actually, an e.m.f. should be present in that case and 
what Rossi states below about an expert observing it falls into line.

I find myself wondering if there are other good ways to achieve very high 
strength magnetic fields without currents flowing.  Permanent magnets offer a 

I am guessing here and attempting to decode Rossi speak at the same time.  That 
has its hazards! :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <<>>
To: vortex-l <<>>
Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 2:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"
Andrea Rossi
> December 30th, 2012 at 3:01 PM

  Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
  You are touching a very important point: during these very days, and also
  during the more recent tests, we are working on this issue. I think we will
  be able to produce directly e.m.f. , but much work has to be done.
  Actually, we already produced direct e.m.f. with the reactors at high
  temperature, and we measured it with the very precise measurement
  instrumentation introduced by the third party expert, but we are not ready
  for an industrial production, while we are at a high level of
  industrialization for the production of heat and, at this point , also of
  high temperature steam, which is the gate to the Carnot Cycle. Thank you
  for your good comment.
  Warm Regards,

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:
I believe that heat is not the only product of the LENR reaction. It may not 
even the most important sink for LENR power generation. I believe that electron 
production is a major magnification of over unity power generation.
Rossi indicated that there was an unknown source of current production in his 
reactor and he was looking into how this could happen.
I know that the PAPP engine produced current out of whole cloth. The design of 
the engine depended on it.
Here is my take on where these electrons are coming from. When the magnetic 
field strength gets strong enough, mesons are condensed out of the vacuum. The 
final decay products of mesons are electrons.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:34 PM, David Roberson 
<<>> wrote:
I also find it amazing that DGT seems to overlook the implications of their 
discovery.  It reminds me of not seeing the forest through the trees.

Since Rossi made an earlier claim that he might be able to generate electricity 
directly by some obscure discovery, I suspect that he realized the importance 
of the large magnetic fields residing within his device.  So far he has kept 
this type of information private, carefully leaking out the news of some non 
specific discovery.  Rossi knows when to release findings that might assist 


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <<>>
To: vortex-l <<>>
Sent: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 1:23 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"
Like you, any one of us can only  do so much of what is required. To come up 
with an all inclusive theory, we must trust the word and the work done by 

I must admit that I trust DGT. So far, their experimental observation about 
magnetic field strength has no impact on the theory (HEMI) that they put 

They have no theroritical based interest in misleading us to advance their 
theory base on Dr. Kims work.

Like us, DGT is simply amazed at the magnetic nature of their experimental find 
but have not connected it to HEMI in any way. This is hard to understand.

On the part of DGT, there is no self interest in tossing an almost unbelievable 
finding into their finding and in fact this finding undercuts HEMI.

In fact such a finding is a major distraction. They really need to do a major 
rethink of their experimental position on HEMI and BEC as per Dr. Kim.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Edmund Storms 
<<>> wrote:

On Mar 2, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Axil Axil wrote:

> These Nanoplasmonic experiments with uranium can be done inexpensively, why 
> can't Ed replicate these experiments?
Because I have only two hands and no financial support.  If you want this 
replicated, I suggest you hire someone to do this.

Ed Storms

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