From: Kevin O'Malley 


What I call the Vibrating 1Dimensional Luttinger Liquid Bose-Einstein
Condensate , the V1DLLBEC.


We gotta think up a better name, especially if it will include solids.


One big problem with any BEC theory is that "One experimental fact is that
the observed reaction rate generally increases with temperature."

Well that detail (reaction rate generally increasing with temperature) would
only be true of one (or a few) kinds of LENR and not every possible kind. 

In fact there could be 3-4 distinct kinds of BEC-LENR as a subset of LENR
(which have been mentioned in the literature) and all four could be
different in the details. 

One or two of these varieties could be temperature limited. In fact the
temperature limited variety could be the easiest to prove, and if the output
can be engineered to be photon emission in the visible range, it would
possibly be valuable for alternative energy.


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