A signal can propagate in arbitrary speed, if one solves a system of
equations that doesn't take all fields in considerations. Even Maxwell
equations allows that, in the coulomb gauge, and electric field to
propagate faster than light. But even so, relativity is not violated, since
the equations are still Lorentz invariant, because the magnetic part is not
directly manifest in the solution.

A similar situation happens in quantum mechanics, in free space, if you
only look for oscillations, that is signals, rather than wave packets. A
wave packet carries information, the measured value.

In both cases you can claim to send information faster than light. This is
a wrong claim, since you are not sending information, but just recording
gibberish waiting for the information to appear.

2014-03-04 17:28 GMT-03:00 Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>:

> In an experiment, Yevgeny Podkletnov claimed to have sent a signal over a
> distance of 1 kilometer at a superluminal speed of 64C.
> This was done using superconductive projections of a rapidly rotating
> magnetic field. The signal was timed using synchronized atomic clocks.
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 1:35 PM, D R Lunsford <antimatter3...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> No one will ever take cold fusion seriously if they come here and read
>> nonsense about how relativity is wrong. All of these specious arguments
>> focus on the constancy of the speed of light.
>> What is never understood is that C isn't the speed of anything in
>> particular. It is a parameter that characterizes the geometry of spacetime,
>> which is no longer Euclidean. The structure of this geometry emerges from a
>> very simple (group theoretic) analysis. The parameter C emerges out of the
>> analysis and is either finite, or not. Experience shows that it is finite.
>> The derivation is here, I gave it some years ago and this person has added
>> commentary, most of which is helpful. Only simple algebra is required.
>> That light goes at C is incidental to the existence of a universal
>> constant with the dimensions of speed. It does so because the corresponding
>> field is massless. The most important point to be grasped is that one does
>> not assume C=constant - this comes right out of the symmetry and
>> homogeneity analysis. Euclidean geometry is also characterized by a
>> constant - however it is imaginary, and corresponds to the "circular points
>> at infinity" in projective geometry.
>> http://membrane.com/sidd/wundrelat.txt
>> -drl
>> --
>> "Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana." - Marx

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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