I love stories like this!

I knew a biology professor in college who was trying to blind guppies
without killing the poor things. He came up with a simple technique, at a
time when other people were trying to make custom-fitting contact lenses
for guppies, or something like that. I may be exaggerating, but they were
working on expensive techniques. Anyway, the prof said to me: "Suppose two
scientists come up with a way to solve this problem. One calls for a big,
expensive machine and loads of expertise to operate. The other takes a
bottle of acid and a thread, and just about anyone can do it. Which is
better? The easy method, of course."

That is something people often forget. They fall in love with complexity.
They think that a bigger, more expensive, more complicated experiment must
be better just because it is bigger.

After the superconducting supercollider was abandoned, I read about some
young physicists who thought they might be able to accomplish the same
thing that machine did with a desktop machine. I don't know what happened
to them, but they had the right idea.

- Jed

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