
On Wednesday, March 19, 2014, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Blanton
> > Here is another story on that connection, notably that this airport has
> hangars for B-52s (could hide a 777 from satellites)...
> Actually, there aren't:
> Lots of B52s sitting in the open, though.
> As this Fox report says, it's in Pakistan:
> ld-be-in-pakistan-to-be-used-for-terror/
> OK - The plot thickens but not all the details.
> Could not Air Force Gen. Thomas McInerney be a shill and actually be a part
> of the scheme (or a patsy)?
> IOW when he speculates that the missing airliner had been flown to
> Pakistan,
> to be used as a delivery vehicle for nuclear explosives by terrorists...
> isn't that exactly what what schemers would want the world to believe? And
> it could be true as of today... to wit:
> Consider those hangars - yes they would leave the tail section of the 777
> open to view, but there is a fix for that. Any by now, the plane has been
> repainted refueled - and could actually be in Pakistan, just as the good
> General sez.
> IOW the stop in Diego Garcia was merely to refuel, repaint - ditch about
> 237
> dead corpses, remove the suspicious cargo, load the Minot nuke in the Cargo
> bay and continue on as if it was now a PIA airplane, returning from a
> recent
> overhaul.
> I'm still waiting for the call from Hollywood with the screenplay advance
> ... <g>

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