I'm really disappointed in this group, given their high intelligence and 
fantastic imagination, for not suggesting the obvious explanation.  The 
airplane was captured by a ET mothership.  This was done with the help of the 
pilots because they are actually hybrids. The goal is to show the population of 
the world the ability of the ET and to educate the passengers about the need to 
change world policy.  Once the passengers have been give a guided tour of the 
mother ship with several good meals thrown in, they will be returned to tell 
their story.  Too bad Bond would have no one to shoot. Perhaps this is why this 
explanation will not be used as a movie plot and is not getting attention. This 
can not be any more far fetched than the present explanations and it has a 
happy ending, at least for the passengers. For the world leaders, not so much.

Ed Storms
On Mar 19, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

> One more story of interest – relates to hidden motives
> http://www.eutimes.net/2014/03/russia-puzzled-over-malaysia-airlines-capture-by-us-navy/
> [snip] The latest twist on this story is that a search of the Pilot’s home 
> found a flight simulator, and the flight data that had been erased from the 
> simulator indicated that the pilot had been training to land on Diego Garcia 
> Island in the Indian Ocean.
> Makes a good plot for the next Bond movie if nothing else…

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