"If magnetism is the first-order (velocity dependent) effect of moving
electrons in conductor, gravitation is the second-order
(acceleration-dependant) effect of revolving electrons in atoms."

I have wonders why the magnetic field (the spin component of atoms) must
rotate in anti-gravity devices to produce an anti-gravity effect. Angular
acceleration  provides the second-order (acceleration-dependant) effect

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Ron Kita <chiralex.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings Vortex-L,
> There is a Electrogrtavitics Paper: Gravity as a Secondary Electrostatic
> Force
> by Professor Gupta of Luckow University, India.
> He was inspired by his mentor: Nobel Prize Laureate, Professor Abdus Salam
> University Trieste...who won the Nobel Prize for discovery of the
> ElectroWeak Force:
> http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0505194
> The Salam citation is in the acknowledgement section of the website.
> Ad Astra,
> Ron Kita, Chiralex
> also the books
> Electrogravitics 1 &11 by Valone
> and the Electrogravtic Research of Dr Takaaki Musha formerly
> of the Honda Corporation ( a descriptor).

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