Its always a good idea to, dissolve the people and elect a new one -- well
not _always_ but certainly in the case of America for the obvious reason
that Americans are so bad and evil and spoiled and lazy, etc.

Come on.... its all -- feminism, anti-racism, multiculturalism -- about
lowering wages and centralizing wealth under the guise of political
correctness.  MLK got assassinated because in his last book he recommended
race-neutral citizens dividends.  Where would the Southern "Poverty" Law
Center be without race hatred combined with class warfare that demonizes
working class whites for trying to protect their interests?

Face it -- Americans were just too hard to rule and dominate so it was
necessary to destroy them.

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Jed Rothwell <>wrote:
> That is a stupid thing for a politician to say. Most elections are close.
>> That means half the voters are Democrats. A politician should never insult
>> voters.
> The method of some politicians and radio show hosts is to fire up the
> base.  This often involves speaking to their misconceptions, pandering to
> their prejudices, and, in the US, "talking straight."  I imagine it can
> make the difference in a tight race by bringing out just few more voters to
> the polls.  It is not a winning strategy in the long term when the
> demographic tide is against you, but political operators are generally
> focused on the next election.
> The real failing is a culture in which people are so easily manipulable.
>  That is probably due to a lack of a good education.
> Eric

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