What was particularly fascinating (as e-catworld also points out, but I did
read this earlier) was the timely shout out by Rossi:

Andrea Rossi
May 18th, 2014 at 11:20

Thank you for your comment, that indroduces us to the paper published today
on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
by Dr Magnus Holm . It is an important work of this scientist made in 1999,
but I find his work dense of important information. It is not an easy
reading, the work is rigorous, but this is the Journal of Nuclear Physics,
and the paper is perfectly in line with the field of application of our
Journal. Dr Magnus Holm is presently working also with me for the E-Cat.
About the comment of our friend Orsobubu: I do not share his certainties
regarding the so called “social sciences”.
Warm Regards,

Is Rossi sending a message to potential sharebuyers that Magnus Holm is the
real deal?  Is Rossi getting a kickback from Hydrofusion?

Man, this freaks me out!

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Blaze Spinnaker

> Hat tip to e-catworld.  They've been doing some very strong investigative
> reporting on eCat lately.
> http://freeenergyscams.com/andrea-rossi-e-cat-hydro-fusion-cashing-in-before-the-collapse/
> I have no idea what to make of this, TBH.
> I agree though, why didn't Mats wait for the report?
> Maybe he just jumped the gun though.

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