Here is the message Rossi is sending:

He is about to get swamped by media inquiries, interviews, accolades, and
hints on stock tips.  He is repaying some of the help he has received from
others in the past.  Hydrofusion is one of his friends to whom he is
indebted.  When the report comes out, and NASA follows it up with their
assessment, suddenly LENR is real.  Everyone will want a piece of it.  And
they'll look for any clues as to where to get in on the action.
Hydrofusion will be one of those pieces. So will the stock in CYPW or other
Stirling Engine manufacturers.  Coal and oil stocks will plummet.

 It is likely that the next stage will include a flat-out demo by
Hydrofusion.  We are going in for some heady times similar to when the
Wright brothers demo'd their capabilities to an initially unbelieving
audience.  Anyone want a cup of Richard Garwin tea?  Only $13.99.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

> I don't understand what kind of message he would be sending... :S
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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