"This is not actually a cold fusion scenario. These are top-notch
scientists doing excellent, if difficult, work. "

Yeah, there is a special place in hell reserved for this guy.   Everyone
should post a comment on his blog.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Danny Ross Lunsford <
antimatte...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> This simpleton with a degree in politics from Princeton (gawd is that not
> the most useless education in history?) feels free to write about science
> as if he knew something, even though he has not the slightest training in
> science. The dustup over the BICEP2 scandal caused this person to invoke
> cold fusion as the ne plus ultra of bullshit.. see for yourself;
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/achenblog/wp/2014/05/19/bicep2s-cosmological-conundrum
> If you ever feel yourself wondering why civilization seems to be
> collapsing, look no farther than the professional society of narcissists
> who feel free to speak on any topic with authority, as long as it brings in
> a buck. They know their equally narcissistic readers will be both incapable
> of telling fact from fiction, and unconcerned about the difference - or
> even worse, they may themselves believe they are allowed to understand
> nature's deepest secrets without ever working hard - at anything.
> Profoundly depressing.
> -----------------------------------------------
> "I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

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