I did email him - this is what I said (no response of course)..


Mr. Achenbach;

Regarding this..


 article linked above concerning the controversy surrounding BICEP2, 
trots out the worn-out phrase, "Extraordinary claims require 
extraordinary evidence". This is not how science works at all. ALL 
claims, no matter how mundane or cosmic, require exactly the same sort 
of evidence - reproducible results that can be explained within a known 
framework. If such a framework is not at hand, a new one must be 
constructed. It is not the nature of the claims, but the robustness of 
the framework, that is in question. This phrase has become a sort of 
mantra for
 those who insist on pushing worn-out idioms to the breaking point, and 
are unwilling to consider new ideas. If anything actually new comes up -
 and I have in mind the observations of Lopez-Corredoira et al regarding
 objects such as NGC 7603 - it is pushed aside with your phrase, as if 
the very idea that something new might come to light were offensive to 
the entire enterprise.

Now, it may be that subtle claims - e.g. the neutrino exists - require 
subtle evidence - as from a giant reservoir of carbon tetrachloride 
buried deep in a mine coupled to photoreceptors of extremely exquisite 
sensitivity. But that is not the phrase in question. A tacit assumption 
is made that world is divided into ordinary and extraordinary parts, 
each with its own form of evidence. This is nothing but a tacit retreat 
to the world view of Aristotle and his imaginary ethereal realm. When stated 
this way, I'm sure it is now clear to you that the 
phrase is offensive to the spirit of science.


"I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

 From: Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com>
To: Danny Ross Lunsford <antimatte...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "vortex-l@eskimo.com" <vortex-l@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Achenbach the Simple disparages cold fusion

Or you can email him:  joel.achenb...@washpost.com

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com> 

"This is not actually a cold fusion scenario. These are top-notch scientists 
doing excellent, if difficult, work. "
>Yeah, there is a special place in hell reserved for this guy.   Everyone 
>should post a comment on his blog.
>On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Danny Ross Lunsford <antimatte...@yahoo.com> 
>This simpleton with a degree in politics from Princeton (gawd is that not the 
>most useless education in history?) feels free to write about science as if he 
>knew something, even though he has not the slightest training in science. The 
>dustup over the BICEP2 scandal caused this person to invoke cold fusion as the 
>ne plus ultra of bullshit.. see for yourself;
>>If you ever feel yourself wondering why civilization seems to be collapsing, 
>>look no farther than the professional society of narcissists who feel free to 
>>speak on any topic with authority, as long as it brings in a buck. They know 
>>their equally narcissistic readers will be both incapable of telling fact 
>>from fiction, and unconcerned about the difference - or even worse, they may 
>>themselves believe they are allowed to understand nature's deepest secrets 
>>without ever working hard - at anything.
>>Profoundly depressing.
>>"I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

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