On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This paper's abstract seems to cover that subject
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2012.01072.x/
> Too bad i can only read the abstract
> "In this paper we question the one‐sided thesis that contemporary
> organizations rely on the mobilization of cognitive capacities. We suggest
> that severe restrictions on these capacities in the form of what we call
> functional stupidity are an equally important if under‐recognized part of
> organizational life. Functional stupidity refers to an absence of
> reflexivity, a refusal to use intellectual capacities in other than myopic
> ways, and avoidance of justifications*.* We argue that functional
> stupidity is prevalent in contexts dominated by economy in persuasion which
> emphasizes image and symbolic manipulation. This gives rise to forms of
> stupidity management that repress or marginalize doubt and block
> communicative action. In turn, this structures individuals' internal
> conversations in ways that emphasize positive and coherent narratives and
> marginalize more negative or ambiguous ones. This can have productive
> outcomes such as providing a degree of certainty for individuals and
> organizations. But it can have corrosive consequences such as creating a
> sense of dissonance among individuals and the organization as a whole. The
> positive consequences can give rise to self‐reinforcing stupidity. The
> negative consequences can spark dialogue, which may undermine functional
> stupidity."

Mats Alvesson is the author of this paper. He has also written a book
called  'The Triumph of Emptiness'.


He says contemporary age is preoccupied with grandiosity, but at the end of
the interview in an act of self-satire he brags about the recognition his
book has received.
I get the impression he enjoys using irony and satire to make point.




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