I suppose that will be so.  Disruptive technology will often be seen as the
destroyer of the status quo technology.  When a nation banks on the status
quo and such a disruption occurs, that nation gets destroyed.  There are
several examples in history, such as those dealing with the business end of
gun powder explosives which today you can simply buy over the internet as

The indigenous populations of the Americas and Australia didn't quite
appreciate the subtle points of the "civilization" argument when they were
being hunted down.

Gazprom isn't the only entity threatened.  Exxon, Standard Oil,Mobile,
Shell, Gulf, etc.

But these guys have money and they know what business they are in:  Energy
Production.  So it will only be a matter of time before they negotiate a
deal with IH & Rossi for the production of energy, which they PURCHASE.

In  my view, ALL of these guys will need Stirling Cycle Engine technology,
such as CYPW Cyclone Power which has been starved for R&D funds until this
date.  That's one of the reasons why I decided to buy CYPW stock, which is
looking increasingly ugly of late.

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://news.yahoo.com/big-risks-seen-putins-idea-beef-gazprom-140852799--sector.html
> *Big risks seen in Putin's idea to beef up Gazprom*
> Putin wants to dump much of the Russian pension funds into Gazprom, a
> company often referred to as Russia's "national heritage".
> When the E-Cat puts Gazprom out of business, Putin will be extremely
> pissed. And the old people in Russia will get mighty hungry.
> There is a fair chance that Russia will become a failed state and its all
> Rossi's fault. Rossi will become a destroyer of nations.

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