Cold fusion, assuming it really does work with commonly found elements in
country rock, changes the foundation of human eusociality:  the campfire.

I can easily imagine cultures developing in which the primary objective of
a young man's secondary school education is to teach him to fabricate cold
fusion "fire" from resources in his natural environment.

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> *Big risks seen in Putin's idea to beef up Gazprom*
> Putin wants to dump much of the Russian pension funds into Gazprom, a
> company often referred to as Russia's "national heritage".
> When the E-Cat puts Gazprom out of business, Putin will be extremely
> pissed. And the old people in Russia will get mighty hungry.
> There is a fair chance that Russia will become a failed state and its all
> Rossi's fault. Rossi will become a destroyer of nations.

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