>From ECAT World

Rossi on His Anxiety Over E-Cat Test Results
Posted on June 9, 2014 by admin <http://www.e-catworld.com/author/admin/> • 62

Here’s a comment on the Journal of Nuclear Physics by Andrea Rossi that I
found interesting — in response to a question by Giuliano Bettini who asked
Rossi about the source of his anxiety regarding the upcoming tests.
Giuliano asked Rossi whether he was nervous because a) he was afraid that
negative test results would undermine all his work, or that b) these new
tests might reveal that there had been a fundamental misunderstanding, and
all his work was based on an illusion. To both those questions, Rossi
responded ‘no, it is not’; then went on to say:

The anxiety is generated by the immense importance of a test made by a
third independent party of experts of the field, in a neutral laboratory,
for a long time, collecting millions of data examined for months, analyzed
in independent laboratories of different Universities, for the first time
in the history of LENR. Let me make a simple example: you have to sustain
an exam , a difficult one, in a University’s Faculty; you have studied
well, you made tests by yourself, you are sure to have understood the
matter, but the exam is long and the result of the exam will be important
for your future career: shouldn’t you be anxious? That’s my feeling,
aggravated from the fact that I have not a clue of when there will be the
results and I have not a clue either about the work that the Professors are

Rossi seems to see this report as being a monumental and watershed moment
for his work — in fact he characterizes the test as being the most
exhaustive one ever carried out in the history of LENR in terms of the
amount of time, work and analysis being done by an independent party.

His example about an exam is a good one, I think. Even if you may have done
meticulous preparation for an important test, until you get the results
back there’s always going to be an element of suspense about the outcome.
You might wonder about the mindset of the examiners — how critical they
might be, and how competent they might be. I suppose Rossi might be
concerned about exactly what testing has been done, possible mistakes being
made by the testers, about the quality of instrumentation being used, and
other factors that might affect the outcome.

Rossi also probably realizes the importance of this testing from the point
of view of Industrial Heat’s business plan, and if there are problems, how
that might affect commercialization and industrialization of the E-Cat.

So while Rossi may be confident regarding his discovery, there are plenty
of things to be worried about — and I guess that observers like ourselves
might be feeling similar (albeit lesser) levels of concern for some of the
same reasons.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 9:53 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kevin, I can only assume you have misunderstood what I was saying.
> Earlier you said: Not even Pons & Fleischmann can lay claim to having
> found the effect.
> Which sound to me something like "the great (not even) P&F can't claim
> they definitively had a real effect, so Neither can Rossi be rightly
> certian..."
> Which made it seem to me like maybe you thought that Rossi himself was
> ignorant of if his effect was real or not.
> Maybe I misunderstood you, but the point I was making is that if there is
> a real effect that Rossi is tapping into or not is unaffected entirely by
> Rossi's knowledge or belief surrounding such.
> Personally I believe so-called cold fusion to be an aetheric effect, and
> has the associated difficulties.
> I have not paid Rossi a great deal of attention, but moving monatomic
> hydrogen gas through nickle powder sound like something that should have a
> robust aetheric effect to me.
> But because I have low interest in wet and heat forms of FE/OU I have
> insufficient study of Rossi to have drawn an independent opinion.
> But my opinion based on others study is that he is either an amazing
> magician or has the real thing, and has little motive to be faking and has
> an MO that is at odds with a con man.
> But my opinion of Rossi is meaningless.
> As is the randomness of quantum probabilities on the fact that probability
> has nothing to do with Rossi having anything real or not.
> John

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