Kevin I think you know my opinions.
I will not reiterate them.
I will answer what I think is new and if I was unclear before in some cases.
No, in no way am I making any statements about certain races or
nationalities. I am aware of that there is no big differences when you add
everything together. It is just a situation, which I think I have the
'instruments' to assess.
You have identified some possible stock that might increase because of
LENR. That is fine what is your problems? Make your investments and be
happy. I might think that the stock market will react slowly to the report
- I think the market introduction will be more significant and a more
secure way to obtain the sought after gain. As you have mentioned companies
that have to much invested in a LENR market might have problems to survive
if the market does not evolve soon. (the report will not create business).
It is a risk assessment situation. Good luck as they say in Vegas.
In general you are talking about investing in small companies in an early
stage and that is hard (but sometimes very rewarding). I mentioned BP and
Shell as I have heard how some people think they will suffer dramatically
because of deployment of LENR. I just think they are strong enough to be
part of any significant change and therefore a 'negative' investment is
even harder than investing in small companies with some ties to LENR.
I have given you reasons. You just have not read them. The environment is
not conducive to your conspiracy theory. Way too negative.
I said that investing with Rossi would be good. I also said I did not think
he was looking for a partner now. In which way does that make you lose
respect for me? Your $250k example just tell me we have the same opinion.
No,  I have no information exceeding yours. I am a Swede but I have no
affiliation with anybody involved with this report/test. I am actually not
interested investing in LENR affiliated companies. I am too much of a doer
and do not like passive investments. In no way is any progress in LENR
'terrible ' for me. On the contrary I would like to see LENR deployed
rather sooner than later. I have a few ideas how and a general interest as
I think it would be beneficial for us all and coming generations.
I said that; 'if YOU know they are ready to offer me an address for my PO
(then you should) invest'. PO stands for purchase order, which I mentioned
previous as my goal to get my hands on an early working, commercial LENR
unit for personal use.
I do not know what Jed has said about how long time it takes to invest. I
say it takes rather a day than months. Yes, you need to have the funds so
if you mean that the people doing the test is out collecting money than I
understand your point. I could not even come to think along such lines. Way
to manipulative and full of no good conspiracy suspicion. I would advice to
forget your idea of conspiracy. Concentrate on finding the right investment
for yourself and make sure it stays right or change 'horse'. I hope you see
this as betting in a horse race because it is early and the outcome is
rather difficult to assess - rewards are great if you can. The report we
talk about is a very insignificant factor, in my opinion.  We all would
like to know where to invest. If I knew I would also look for sending some
investment money that way.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Lennart Thornros <>
> wrote:
>> I agree with  you Kevin.
>> Just keep in mind that sometimes there is too much risk and it is reasons
>> to take what I say as another factor.
> ***I cannot keep it in mind because it is underdeveloped.  It is a simple
> assertion.
>> I think that given the opportunity a few people will take advantage in a
>> small scale - totally of no significance. Maybe $thousands.
> ***If it were on the order of $Thousands, the report would have been
> published in May, a month after it was due.  If it were on the order of
> $millions, it would be published by the end of June.  And if the scale of
> human weakness is on the order of $Billions, the report will be published
> in September.  Perhaps you see where I'm coming from.
>> That is something we cannot avoid. Remember that I am not claiming that
>> Swedes are more honest/fair in general.
> ***To be candid, that is exactly what you appear to be claiming, in a
> roundabout and obfuscating manner.
>> Reality is that you also have the opportunity to take advantage of the
>> knowledge you have. I hope you invest and will become a $billionaire.
> ***You and me both.  I have invested in CYPW Cyclone Power, where Y.E. Kim
> is a consultant.  I've had prior correspondence with Dr. Kim.  But it is
> your erstwhile 'friends', the Swedes who are giving their best friends the
> advice to short oil and buy LENR stocks, those guys are the ones who are
> holding things up with my investment.  So, yes, I have a vested interest
> here.  More than what is involved in defending a small group of my own
> countrymen.
>> You do not need any extra months to do so. A day is enough.
> ***How?  Where?  Jed Rothwell would like to know.  He's explicitly stated
> it.
>>  I am trying to tell you that I think your alternative reason for the
>> delay is wrong.
> ***And other than the fact that you backed up this attempt with simple
> assertions, your attempt is valid.  You should have been providing REASONS
> behind your ASSERTIONS.
>> You may have the opposite opinion.
> ***I have a skewed opinion.
>>  You are just now in a decision making situation and if you are sure that
>> this is the time when it is possible /easy to invest and be paid $billions
>> on a dollar invested it is easy. I think there are at least two big
>> problems one has to overcome:
>> 1. I doubt that a positive result (which we all expect) is going to move
>> any stocks significantly in the immediate future. There is no hurry to
>> invest.
> ***You obviously haven't been following CYPW.  Maybe even CPST and Blaze
> Spinnaker's notorious baloney about shorting oil.
>> 2. I do not think there are any stock to buy that is clearly connected.
> ***CYPW.  Cyclone Power.  CPST, Capstone Turbine.  There are others.
>> To buy futures (puts) in BP or Shell is risky as they will quickly be
>> part of any energy business of significance, if their CEOs is not asleep.
> ***What???  Again, you obfuscate.
>> The only thing that will increase in value is a partnership with Rossi.
> ***And exactly HOW is a small investor supposed to do that?  I know
> someone who approached Rossi more than a decade ago with $250k, and Rossi
> said no, he'd go it alone.  I am losing my respect for you.
>> I am not so sure he is interested in a partner just now. His US partners
>> can be a good investment but even that is difficult. Of course if you know
>> they are ready to offer me an address for my PO - invest.
> ***So, you have some kind of offer, but us lowly LENR minions have zip,
> other than perhaps CYPW or CPSt or Shorting Oil.  And it is exactly THOSE
> plays which are hurting due to your 'friends' dragging their feet and
> engaging in insider trading.
>> However, the risk is that other players have something in the pipeline -
>> better or faster.
> ***Well, that must be 'terrible' for YOU.
>>  I wish you luck in your investment decision. You know almost as much as
>> the people who are performing the test.
> ***You are correct here.  The people performing the test are engaging in
> selfish behavior regarding this information and it qualifies as insider
> trading.
>>  Best Regards ,
>> Lennart Thornro
> ***Best regards to you.  I wish I had an "offer" like yours or anything
> similar  -- "they are ready to offer me an address for my PO - invest."

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