
An interesting point about the FD - is in the context of the Casimir force.
For a moment let's consider an "empty" Fullerene. A lot is known about them

Of course, the sphere itself, if large enough, could be a Casimir cavity
which would then perhaps have a zone of energy alteration inside the sphere.
The carbon walls, however, are too strong to compress, so there is no
internal "force" per se. Would a zone of energy depletion then tend to draw
in mass from another dimension? 

That is this premise. No fusion, simply a gateway for something like
"quantum foam" (Wheeler conception). My understanding is that the maximum
value of the Casimir force is found at 2nm wall separation. Is that your
understanding? This corresponds to a diameter of which is larger than the
interior space of the C60 sphere. See the images above - and the conclusion
that the diameter of the C60 is about 7 angstrom. This is actually smaller
than the Bohr diameter (twice the Bohr radius). Since even hydrogen is not
encouraged to enter - there should be an ultra vacuum inside C60.

Anyway - the point is that if the FD is also a Casimir cavity, albeit too
small and too strong to allow the contents to be pressurized by the Casimir
force, and not the most robust cavity size for gain; yet - this cavity could
still serve as a "wormhole" to the Dirac Sea since its interior is "beyond a
vacuum" in also excluding radiation and atoms.

                Imagine... a Fullerene... which is of course 60 atoms of
carbon arranged in the famous tightly bound sphere, and known to be
superconductor in certain conditions -- but now we fully hydrogenate these
carbon atoms with deuterium to produce C60D60.

                I can think of no reason that this cannot be done. A brief
google turns up nothing for this exact species, but did turn up an
indication that the hydrogen version, C60H60 has been made in the Lab... If
C60 will hydrogenate at all, then it should be possible to use only
deuterium to arrive at C60D60.

                The reason: well, consider that FD or Fullerene Deuteride -
C60D60 - would have interesting nuclear properties - as a massive stable
boson in a dense unit. Eat your heart out, Higgs :-)

                Carbon is all three boson types: a nuclear boson, an atomic
boson and a molecular boson. Ditto for deuterium. Ditto for FD but, wow...
FD has an atomic weight of 840 amu. That's almost 7 times more massive than
the Higgs, and extremely stable. It is probably superconductive as well, but
that is a guess.

                Thus, FD would be a massive boson in a perfect sphere
containing nuclear active isotopes and possibly superconductive, and one
more feature - in the size range of many excitons. 

                Of course, there are larger Fullerenes (in amu) but carbon
alone has high nuclear stability so having lots of deuterium present could
make this hyper-boson most interesting for fusion ... say as a target for
ICF... or even for implosion by SPP. Who knows?

                FD-CF or FD-ICF ... take your pick.

                You heard it first on Vortex... :-)


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