One thing that strikes me is the  apparent long term attention of Mills.  He 
must be pretty old.  The desire to fool people as one ages  declines in some 
and increases in others.  Mills history strikes me as the latter.    (I really 
only gather this from reading this Vortex blog for about 5 moths.)

Nevertheless, I hope that Steven is correct about the gestation period.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎July‎ ‎15‎, ‎2014 ‎10‎:‎06‎ ‎PM

Randell sez:


“It won’t take decades or even years. Every major issue has broken in our
favor," said Randell.


Followed by commentary from two posters


> It seems, then, that a major redesign of their system is once more




> LOL. Sadly this sentiment is both humorous and accurate - backed by

> episodes of Mills snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


They guilty know who they are. ;-)


. . .


Naive it might be for me to say this, I'm less inclined to speculate that
Mills is about to screw up again. But to be honest, I just don't know. I
remain guardedly optimistic this time around. That is my sense when I try my
best to remove my personally invested emotions from the equation. Granted,
disinvesting my emotions is not easy to do... not with Randall Mills.
...and, yes, maybe I've failed in that matter. 


I've been keeping track of Mills' work since the 1990s. I know many other
veterans in this group have done the same. Veterans remember: There have
been many, MANY, false starts over at BLP. Mills has predicted many things
in the past that did not manifest. Obviously, repeated failures, of crying
"WOLF!" can disappoint many well intended wishers. It also simultaneously
delights Mill's main detractors, of which there have been many... i.e.:
Connett & PZ.  See!  He's a crock of doo doo and we knew it from day one.
That's what the skeptics would say. Unfortunately, that's the crux of the
BLP problem as the Vort Collective continues its observations of these kinds
unprecedented claims and predictions. We become psychologically predisposed
to emotionally protect ourselves from experiencing yet another
disappointment. We ask ourselves: why didn't I see the steaming piles of doo
doo all along. Why couldn't I see it was all a crock. We reveal our
defensiveness by deriding and putting down what we are, once again,
observing from the mad scientist's laboratory. We say things like "LOL!" No,
Dr. Mills, you're not going to take me in again.... not again. 


FWIW, this is how I personally try to approach this kind of a controversial
matter: I remind myself of the fact that it is not to terribly useful to
allow myself to become so psychologically jaded with the remembrance of each
prior failure as to lose site of the fact that from a statistical POV each
roll of the dice is a completely independent event from what had transpired
in the past. I remind myself: Let he or she who is free from guilt throw the
first die.


I think there is a reasonable chance that we will soon know once and for all
whether it is worth it to start emotionally investing in Dr. Mills work. We
may know this in about a week. I believe the next POC prototype
demonstration is scheduled for July 21. The next demo may actually close the
loop. If not, the data collected will likely continue to reveal more
convincing conclusions. The demo may be ugly and awkward looking. The device
may be held together with bailing wire and duct tape. It may not run very
long either before crashing and burning. It may run for only 59 seconds...
kind of like another prototype we know about that finally managed to get off
the ground.


At this stage of the game I personally think it would be unwise to bet
against "the doctor". Actually, I'm beginning to wonder where Randy parked
his tardis.


The birthing process tends to be a long drawn out bloody affair. Why
shouldn't BLP's extended 20 year pregnancy be any different. Labor is a




If the baby cries, start investing in PV companies. Focus on triple junction
PV configurations. They are likely to be a very lucrative stock purchase.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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