My previous belief in magnetic formation of gluon/quark plasma formation
could not explain how such a high energy reaction could take place in very
low energy conditions like the Cravins ball.

The muon catalyzed fusion modal is a better fit for the low energy LENR
collection of dots.

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> The theory of muon catalyzed fusion (MCF) is similar in concept to what
> Piantelli proposes. But MCF will result in proton proton (PP) fusion. The
> end reaction products of PP fusion is primarily light elements like boron
> and beryllium. This has been seen in the ash assay results from DGT.
> PP fusion will also explain why Piantelli sees proton pairs in his
> reaction cycle combining with nickel to produce copper.
> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> This theory can be verified by the detection of a large increase in the
>> numbers of muon neutrinos exiting the Ni/H reactor.
>> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> A well recognize feature of LENR is the rapid or sometimes almost
>>> instantaneous stabilization of radioactive elements.
>>> This LENR mechanism is central to the way LENR can produce energy
>>> through an extreme range  from megawatts to milliwatts.
>>> One of the toughest LENR riddles to answer is as follows: ‘how can the
>>> meltdown of a Ni/H reactor be caused by the same process that produces one
>>> watt of output in the Cravins golden ball.’
>>> The mechanism that provides this vast range of power generation
>>> intensity is tunneling.
>>> It is clear that the application of a magnetic field can increase the
>>> rate of radioactive decay in isotopes by orders of magnitude.
>>> This same mechanism can work inside protons and neutrons to increase the
>>> production of virtual mesons.
>>> To set the stage, the three quarks inside a proton live inside a very
>>> small volume. This quantum confinement box defines the constraints imposed
>>> on the uncertainty of the trio of quarks by limiting the range in their
>>> position to a high degree. Through the uncertainty principle, this means
>>> that the variable maximum virtual energy that this fixed position produces
>>> is very large.
>>> The virtual quark inside the proton is jumping around inside its
>>> tunneling confinement box with great vigor.
>>> But the energy level to produce a meson is also high at 140 MeV. So
>>> without some help a meson is not produced by virtual particle production.
>>> But when a magnetic field is applied to the proton, it adds some kinetic
>>> energy to the quark dance. This pushes up the floor of the tunneling
>>> confinement box. The degree in which this floor is raised is proportional
>>> to the strength of the magnetic field applied to the proton.
>>> In a very strong magnetic field, the virtual meson jumps out of the
>>> confinement box very often because the floor of the box is raised very
>>> high. Many mesons are produced that eventually decay to muons that catalyze
>>> hydrogen fusion.
>>> When the magnetic field is weak as in the case of the Cravins ball, very
>>> few meson get out of the confinement box and the muon catalyzed fusion
>>> level is very small. But fusion still goes on because that small amount of
>>> extra magnetic energy is just enough to produce some small amounts of
>>> fusion.

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