Your analysis is spot on.  Even if I just get 10 years out of it, I would make 
a killing.

I am deploying this in the Philippines only.  I am only interested in the 
Philippine market.  When I have at least one power plant in action and 
generating revenue, I will license it to many people in different countries.  
But I have to show a working plant lest I be called a fraud.  I have little 
patience in being called a fraud as I strive to be honest.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lennart Thornros 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Wave-powered design

  Sounds like you have a vehicle, Jojo. I think you will be years ahead of 
BLP..Maybe I should license one here in Icalifornia? Sounds very good and much 
closer to reality than any LENR device so far. Yes , in 2025 you might be 
obsolete but that matters very little if you earned 5 cents per kWh out of 
100,000MWh. (an even billion? Correct?).

  On Aug 11, 2014 3:04 PM, "Jojo Iznart" <> wrote:

    Yes, the pumps does indeed only have a design lifetime of 10 years.  If my 
materials last 10 year under seawater, they would have generated electricity at 

    Regarding growth on the's inconsequencial.  It will not affect 
the functioning of the pumps.  In fact, I am looking for ways to encourage 
growth on it to protect it from further damag and corrosion.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Lennart Thornros 
      Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 12:12 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:Wave-powered design

      Hello Jojo,
      My only experience comes from sailing and sale boats (aka a hole in the 
water a little joke among sailors).
      Having said that I am sure your calculations have merit from an 
engineer7ng point of view but I suspect your maintenance estimates are low.
      Things grow on your equipment. Material detoriates froom exposure 
saltwater. Currents move the equipment. Storms destroys pieces.
      I could continue but I mightbe to pessimistic. A gould idea should be to 
invole a warf, which builds commersial small vessels and get them to make sure 
they take precaution for the majority of the known problems to operate in 
seawater. My guess is that you need to replace your investment within 10 to 15 
years. However, I am just an amateur. Good luck and check all the details.

      On Aug 10, 2014 5:24 PM, "Jojo Iznart" <> wrote:

        Lennart, thanks for your comments.

        Can you please elaborate on what you mean by a "big hole".  Do you mean 
the maintenance expenditure would be expensive?  If so, why do you think that 
would be?  Is it the corrosion of the materials?  The labor cost in maintaining 
it?  The infrastrucuture cost?  The deployment cost? In your experience, where 
is the money pit?

        My system can be built for <$200-$230/kw, producing electricity at 
around $0.0019/kwh. Materials are PVC, HDPE, PET, Buna, and SS316, so corrosion 
should be a minor problem.  

        As long the material holds up, maintenance should be minimal.  

        I will need to equip a bunch of divers with scuba gear but that is a 
one time expense.  The pumps are deployed in shallow waters <35', so 
maintenance is simple.
        Operating cost:  maybe a  dozen engineers and workers per power plant 
location.  Seems small to me.  


          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: Lennart Thornros 
          Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 7:51 AM
          Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi reveals EMF activity in the Hot Cat

          Jojo, I think you are too fast in some of the conclusions.
          1. I think you can take heat from the sun, directly.
          2. I am sure thaot if you have free energy desalination is an easily 
implemented technology that is econojical.
          3. In ao way I agree with you. However, once you are in the middle of 
something all the small details willdisturb ones which for ao quick solution. 
          4. Same as 3 above.
          yes, I understand that if one can take energy out of the sea that is 
equivalent to LENR in some regards as a cheap energy resourse. However, being a 
sailor I know that whatever you put in the sea becomes al big hole which you 
have to fill with money all the time. Is that not the probloem with your walve 
project. BTW I have a pressure system for the sea. I do not even want to think 
about putting it in the sea as my experience is a big hole.:)

          On Aug 10, 2014 4:35 PM, "Jojo Iznart" <> wrote:

            You're funny my friend.  

            I actually still have a little confidence in the hotcat, but not 
with the mythical hyperion though.

            Here are some developments and pronouncements of Rossi that really 
do not make sense.

            1.  Solar-powered hotcat.  Supposedly they are researching a way to 
use solar power to drive the hotcat.  This is so stupid.  Why would you deploy 
expensive solar panels to generate high value electicity and convert it to heat 
so that you can convert it back to electricity.

            2.  Sea water desalination is not economical.  The hotcat is 
essentially a free heat source.  How can it not be economical to distill sea 

            3.  The continuing delay is a dead giveaway.  If he has something 
as revolutionary as the hotcat, he should be rushing this to market.

            4.  The 1MW plant visits.  Rossi has been promising this for over a 
year now.  Where is the plant?  At least we should know where it is even if we 
can't visit it.

            I have been supportive of Rossi and the TIP1 report was convincing 
to me.  But the coninuing red flags popping up is disconcerting.

            Well, like the suncell, I want the hotcat to fail also to give me a 
chance to make billions with my wave-powered design.


              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: Axil Axil 
              To: vortex-l 
              Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 7:07 AM
              Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi reveals EMF activity in the Hot Cat

              Are you sure your not the legendary Rossi haters MaryHugo or 
Joshua Cude masquerading as that wonderful fellow JoJo. 

              On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Jojo Iznart 
<> wrote:

                Or a simpler explanation is he picks up some speculations here 
and applies it to his reactors to give it some credibility.

                The TIP1 report gave the hotcat some credibility.  The 
continuing delay of the TIP2 report, the continuing delay of the 1MW plant 
visits,  plus the hydrofusion fire sale tells me something is going on, and it 
is not good.


                  ----- Original Message ----- 
                  From: Axil Axil 
                  To: vortex-l 
                  Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 6:50 AM
                  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi reveals EMF activity in the Hot Cat

                  I am just ahead of Rossi in the understanding of his reactor.

                  On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Jojo Iznart 
<> wrote:

                    Why do I get the feeling that Rossi reads Axil's posts here 
in Vortex.  It seems to me that many of the speculations of Axil 
serendipitously appear in the Hotcat.


                      ----- Original Message ----- 
                      From: Axil Axil 
                      To: vortex-l 
                      Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 2:41 AM
                      Subject: [Vo]:Rossi reveals EMF activity in the Hot Cat

                      Dave Lafleur 

                       August 3rd, 2014 at 4:06 PM 

                      If you are finding a magnetic byproduct as well that is 
certainly interesting. You had no mention of magnetic materials. Care to 
comment? Should I be surprised if you find a monopole mechanism? I apologize 
for my questions with no (known?) answers but you sir are a mad scientist and 
enjoy your blog. I believe that skepticism is healthy but positive or negative 
this would be a better world if more scientists were asking your questions.

                      Andrea Rossi 
                       August 3rd, 2014 at 4:29 PM 
                      Dave Lafleur:
                       It is not exactly as you wrote. We have found as an 
unexpected phenomenon the direct production of electromagnetic energy. This is 
an issue we are making R&D upon, but, sincerely, in this period my focus is on 
the 1 MW plant of the new US Customer. I agree about what you say in regard of 
                       Warm Regards,

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