On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>

The problem is the noise.  Noise affects the FWHM of the system and
> normally getting this noise low enough so that the FWHM is smaller than
> 1keV (to get some resolution of low keV photons) requires cooling the
> sensor to liquid nitrogen temperatures.

I imagine the noise obscuring the lower energy signals is stochastic.  I
wonder whether a filter could be developed to do a fourier analysis and
then partially subtract out predominant frequencies seen during calibration
runs.  Perhaps something like that could be effective enough to avoid the
need for liquid nitrogen cooling.

> I am also considering construction of a thermoelectric cloud chamber for
> charged particle evaluation of the LENR powder ash (a la Piantelli).

That would be pretty cool.  On occasion I've looked for the Piantelli
anecdote, which I read somewhere, but I haven't succeeded yet in tracking
it down.


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