I wrote:

On occasion I've looked for the Piantelli anecdote, which I read somewhere,
> but I haven't succeeded yet in tracking it down.

Apparently I didn't look too far.  There are several references to his
using a cloud chamber.  Here is a brief description from Steven Krivit
(search for "cloud chamber") [1].  If someone knows of a more complete
description, I'd be grateful for a reference; I recall a story outlining
someone's visit to Piantelli that I read several years ago.  For the
curious, here is a video of a cloud chamber at work, where you can see
alpha and beta decays from normal background radiation, as well as alpha
decays from Americium and then Radon [2].


[1] http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2008/NET29-8dd54geg.shtml
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efgy1bV2aQo

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