Thanks for posting this - as it brings up a number of valid points and ideas 
for experimentation. Ironically one of the least valid is a relationship to 
Mills’ CQM.


Moreover, it is also a bit confused about application to anything other than a 
methodology involving nanotubes and/or an acceleration effect which is 
benefiting from the Casimir force in a dynamic way. But that is worth focusing 
on since we know that ring current is real.


In short, this is far from Mills theory – almost to the point of absurdity - 
other than to suggest that there are other ways for energy to derive from 
electron orbital reorientation over time, which is greater than chemical. But 
the good news here is the nano-acceleration or “sphincter tube” effect, or the 
Luttinger liquid effect, which have been covered here before in various ways. 
There are a couple of threads from O’Malley, Roarty and myself – and with 
valuable input from others on details of how this could happen.


It is high time for an experimentalist with ready access to various kinds of 
CNT - to make a name for himself with a device which focuses on setting up ring 
currents in CNT to accelerate ions (from a spillover catalyst) – possibly in an 
a magnetic field orientation to simply accelerate hydrogen in a preferential 
vector. The choice of CNT could be critical to this both dimensionally and with 
other physical parameters. The Casimir effect is restricted to a narrow range 
of geometries.


From: Peter Gluck 


Dear Friends,


Please see this - just published:


The situation is complex.



Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

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