A post from stefen as follows:

*I agree totally with 'that takes insane amount of energy', and am
surprised others haven't commented more on it. A quick trip to this graph *
shows oxygen binding energy at 8 MeV per nucleon. For 16 nucleons that
implies roughly 100 MeV input to dissociate the nucleus. Then we convert
that to Joules with 1.6e-19 Joules per eV, combine it with Avogadro's
constant at 6.10^23 molecules per mole, 22 litres per mole of gas, 2 atoms
per H2 molecule,and finally a production rate of 1000 litres/minute quoted
by SHT. Putting those numbers together I get that dissociating oxygen into
hydrogen at that rate requires over 1 TeraWatt of power *consumption*!
Given that they claim 500 W input, makes this machine a tad more overunity
than they claim, by about 10 orders of magnitude.*

The claim:  that energy production (a terawatt) is not accompanied by any
heat is hard to believe. A input of 500 watts produces and output of a
terawatt. That works out to a COP of 2,000,000,000. That is hard to
believe. Is there anything like too much of a good thing...IMHO, this claim
is. I will wait to see if this process is commercialized before I will
believe that this process is possible.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>   *From:* Peter Gluck
> … please tell what do you think/know about the Solar Hydrogen Trends
> technology, do you think they can really convert oxygen in hydrogen?
> The claim is completely false, Peter. Even laughable.
> The technology came from Armenia and is completely non-nuclear.
> Surprisingly, it may even be slightly gainful ! I talked to Jack about it
> before it hit the headlines and he was forthcoming about the problems. He
> is Armenian and was into Gold transmutation (alchemy) before this venture.
> He seems like an honest fellow who is being deluded by at least one of his
> partners.
> Konstantine Balakiryan, the “chief scientist” is another story. His
> background seems to be designing blue jeans for the Kardashians. There is a
> University in Armenia claiming the underlying technology was theirs, and
> that the patent has been misappropriated, but that controversy may have
> been settled by now. It is a chemical process - probably a superoxide
> process. The net gain has been mis-measured by Balakiryan, with the
> collusion of a smog check dud. One expert who was there believes some of
> these guys may suffer the same fate as John Rohner, when all is said and
> done.
> http://peswiki.com/index.php/News:Blog:Inteligentry_Raided_by_FBI
> But admittedly, there could be modest real gain in this technology, which
> could be their salvation legally. But they are using rather expensive
> chemicals which are consumed in the process. Superoxides are unique in the
> chemical world - and probably can be exploited. However, these chemical
> oddities are not nuclear, and not cheap in the USA.
> Given the price of natural gas, I see no way this technology could be
> economical or even close, due to the cost of consumables - but perhaps
> somewhere else, it may has value if properly marketed.
> If this is real, than a new gate was opened.For us it is like Mizuno NiD
> Sadly, as any high school student could foresee - it is not real – at
> least not to the absurd claim of converting oxygen to hydrogen. It is a
> mistake to even mention this next to Mizuno. That is playing into the hands
> of the Mary Yugos of the world.
> OTOH, there could be some level of gain in the Armenian technology, and to
> that extent, it looks like the same kind of scenario which Steorn was
> trying to pull, which of course still has many hoodwinked investors out
> there in the Pubs of Ireland who think that very soon now it will be
> demonstrated and they will all be rich. Sounds like a broken record in
> alternative energy….
> Of course, to be fair, it is easily possible for someone to build a great
> financial scam on top of a slight energy anomaly, and many think precisely
> that is what Rossi is/was trying to do. When DGT found out, they broke away
> to pull off a better scam, or so the story goes. Truth is sometimes
> stranger than fiction, and then there is the twist of fate.
> Consequently in the Rossi story, even if there is a kernel of truth to
> that strange scenario (financial scam built on top of a real anomaly) – it
> looks like Rossi found that the underlying anomaly was actually more robust
> than believed, and he has been able to demonstrate the gain well enough to
> sell it to sophisticated investors, who know what they are buying.
> We all await the so-called TIP2 report, or whatever it is being called. I
> am on record as making two predictions about it. One, the occasional gain
> will not be high: on the order of COP=2 when it is working. Two, it will
> not work constantly, and there will be regular intervals of no gain. Thus,
> it will need a lot more engineering to make it fully commercial. But one if
> these days, it will get there.
> Until then – the best hope, maybe the only hope for the future of kilowatt
> level LENR in the near term - is looking like Mizuno.
> Jones

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