Are you serious? What a joke. Get a thicker skin Axil.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Foks continues to performs a hatchet job on us one at a time in our turn.
> From: Foks0904 on me - Even though we are all entitled to our own
> "reality tunnels", and diversity is of course important to any evolving
> ecology, everyone has to be more flexible/adaptive in their thinking
> processes, and less dogmatic because as a society/culture we are a
> learning/information driven open system. When communication breaks down,
> the system breaks down.
> Now Foks0904 states on jones: And by the way if I was a "true believer"
> in any theory (like how you shill for Mill's work)
> Foks wants us to conform to his ideas and does not allow us the room for
> our own ideas or at least his invalid  impressions of them ( aka
> "reality tunnels") and won't give us the room or allow us to develop  and
> to hold our own beliefs.
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>   *From:* Foks0904
>> And by the way if I was a "true believer" in any theory (like how you
>> shill for Mill's work)
>> You apparently do not read the posting here, or do not understand what
>> you read. I have been one of Mills most vocal critics.
>> Please find somewhere else to troll.
>> Jones

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