On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:52 PM, <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> In reply to  H Veeder's message of Wed, 1 Oct 2014 00:25:05 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Since the second nickel nucleus has an extra neutron it is
> >now in an excited state. While it is excited the hydrogen nucleus on the
> >left retreats and the hydrogen nucleus on the right  is
> >approaches.
> Timing problem again. Gamma emission in approx. 1E-17 sec. Oscillation
> rate of
> the H atoms in the THz range. That means that the cycle time of the H
> atoms is
> about 1E-12 sec. Gamma decay is about 100000 times faster, so most of the
> time
> the energy will be emitted as a gamma.
> Furthermore, I don't think the Nickel is going to be all that willing to
> part
> with it's new toy anyway. ;)
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/project.html
> ​
Every theorist begins by choosing to accept some impossibilities and to
reject other impossibilities.
It seems to me that the choice is based as much on logic and evidence as it
is based on the theorist's particular training, personal experiences and
Since I can't draw on a wealth of knowledge about chemistry, nuclear
physics or condensed matter to lend credibility to my choices I will hence
forth not
theorize about this phenomena.




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