The SCP moderator, John Farrell, shut down the following discussion thread:


"China/NASA/antigravity and LENR"


when discussion about Rossi started to heat up. Looks like a couple of SCP
members appear to be challenging Dr. Mills' stalwart skepticism of Rossi's
work. Not to be deterred, Dr. Mills posted the following conviction:


"I predict that every report that Rossi puts out will be positive.  Of
course, no details will be given allowing anyone including me to test it.
It is concealed because ECAT doesn't produce a fusion reaction and it
doesn't make power, just consumes line power."  - R. Mills


So, there you have it from "The Doctor".


It would appear that discussion on Rossi and LENR started to heat up as a
result of recent claims that the long-overdue independent report is eminent.


Mr. Farrell closed the discussion down with the following statement:


"OK. I've let the China/NASA/antigravity posts drag on for a while. At this
point, I think the discussion of this topic has reached a point where
further data is required before any conclusions can be drawn. So, I don't
intend to approve more posts on this topic until new info comes out. I feel
the same way about LENR. 


"I find the posts about the absorption and emission of photons and the new
BlackLight Power Wiki site more interesting and more productive.
Furthermore, I think these topics are more enlightening to anyone interested
in classical physics. "


John Farrell, Moderator


I though John Farrell handled the matter reasonably well. It's probably what
I would have done if I had been in his shoes trying to "moderate" a
moderated group that is supposed to focus on GUT-CP topics.


I remain very much interested in listening to what Dr. Mills has to say
about recent developments at BLP. In the meantime I do my best to gain a
better layman's understanding of GUT-CP. I'm happy to report Dr. Mills has
actually engaged me in some of my elementary  GUT-CP inquiries.  On that
matter, I recently initiated discussion on the subject of small Red Dwarf
stars that are about 10% the mass of our own sun. I conjectured on whether
might it be possible we will eventually discover some dwarfs that possess
unusually high helium concentrations. If such small dwarfs could be
discovered it would suggest their ages are several hundred billion years
old. It would be an astonishing contradiction of the age of the Universe as
currently taught. Assuming they do exist, I think it likely that such a
discovery would put a big wooden stake in the heart of the Big Bang theory.
I appreciate Dr. Mills' willingness to occasionally mingle with the small
folk who reside in the peanut gallery. I don't mind it that he often doles
out terse commentary that typically ends with " Chapter.. " for more
details. These are Dr. Mills' areas of expertise, and why repeat yourself
when you've already written it down. I'm happy that I'm occasionally allowed
to engage in some intriguing inquiry with "The Doctor". 


Unfortunately, I'm less inclined to listen to Dr. Mills' commentary on Rossi
and LENR. I don't think these are his areas of expertise. It's one thing to
express honest skepticism about someone else's work, including potential
competitors like Rossi. It's quite another matter, however, to feel the need
to engage in a continuous string of predictions that claim only failure to
produce anything of scientific value from LENR research or Rossi's work will
occur. IMHO, the need to make such predictions is likely to boomerang back
on Dr. Mills' in unpleasant ways. He may not appreciate the publication of
some of such eccentricities and blind spots later in his life when I truly
hope he gains world-wide celebrity status for having brought cheap energy to
the masses.


I sometime think Dr. Mills needs a handler, just as much as Rossi does.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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