Jed was talking in watts, W ~ T^4, T is the fourth root of W so it is
not exponential in your jargon.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>   *From:* Jed
> The calibration was done at 486 W and and then the cell was run at 790 W
> for two days. That seems reasonably close to me. The temperature should
> have been about the same. I cannot imagine any mechanism that would make it
> go so much higher, other than anomalous excess heat.
> Geeze you are sounding almost as bad as Levi - in not seeing the obvious
> ... “about the same” is absurd, given what happens later. The difference
> between 486 and 790 is enormous when the delta-T is being raised by a
> formula which includes a fourth power (Stefan–Boltzmann law)
> look at the graph on this page !! small change in temperature (based on
> emissivity) are increased exponentially. Now we know that those changes
> could have been influenced by the photon output of the resistance wires.
> The is no evidence of gain in the way this was done and Levi should have
> known that from before !
> Jones

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