Nah… that’s Randy’s gig.

Say, in case it hasn’t dawned on ya’ … using up most of your Li-7 with
nickel – which makes the ratio decrease compared Li-6 … this makes it look
like you have converted Li-7 to Li-6 which is not the case. 

It still costs a helluva a lot to make power this way.

                From: ChemE Stewart 
                Are you implying exploding pennies?
                Jones Beene  wrote:
                How long will it be before the dreaded Ni-62 bombe (best
Inspector Clouseau accent) 
                                From: ChemE Stewart 
                                In general, I think it is not a good idea to
fly plastic fuselage airplanes with lithium batteries @ 42,000 feet up near
the ionosphere...
                                From: Terry Blanton
                                Jones Beene wrote:
                                > BTW Bob - you suggested a simple way to
look for the Ni+Li reaction.
                                > There is a simpler way yet... get hold of
some those exploding lithium
                                > batteries... you know ... the one's with
nickel electrodes.
                                Or just ride the bus:
                                how galling !
                                One wonders - given the cost of the
Dreamliner, if Boeing will not be far behind on catching onto this. They can
easily put $100 mill into the task. The gall of them...
                                "Gall" n. bold, impudent behavior. synonyms:
effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, cheekiness, insolence, audacity,
temerity, presumption, cockiness, nerve, shamelessness, disrespect, bad
                                Hmm... I represent that remark...

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