

We have played the "deconstructing Rossi" game before on vortex - which is
to say, trying to look for hidden motives - which could have been there all
along, but the overall scenario has been intentionally clouded by conduct
which is puzzling at best, and self-destructive at worst.


Here is a surprising picture of the hidden motives of Rossi - which fits the
current facts of the E-Cat, with greater emphasis on the early work and less
on the recent boondoggle. It may make him sound more like a genius than a
scoundrel, and he is certainly a bit of both. This is supposition based on
believing some of Rossi-speak, but not all of it.


First, realize that the around the time of Big Blue in Bologna - the
shipping crate loaded with E-Cats, there was actually better evidence for
higher COP than at present. Why would any sane Inventor go from a more
robust experiment to a less robust version - other than to confuse and to
"buy  time"? 


Thus, here is a deconstruction of Rossi, which makes him look better than he
deserves, but answers all of the outstanding questions succinctly.


1)      The HotCat in the Levi report was never intended to be anything
other than a planned deception. There is little or no gain. It is nothing
but a red herring.


2)      The low temperature E-Cat is the focus of research and always has


3)      The so-called megawatt unit is actually NOW a commercial product,
purpose-designed for space-heating to serve the Asian market - particularly
northern China


4)      This is a billion dollar market, currently being served by burning
coal which is killing the population with it toxicity in the winter months.


5)      The second iteration of the Blue Box for China will contain about
100+ low temp E-Cat sub-units, each with average COP of about 2, but staged
in such a way that the net COP is infinite (which is simple to do, when they
can be heat-triggered).


6)      The Blue Box will be pre-fueled to provide 6 months of winter-time
heat, after which it will be replaced (swapped out) for the next season. It
is strictly a thermal device with too low a temperature for electrical


7)      The average heat availability will probably be in the range of 500
kW-thermal per hour range with a 4000 hour lifetime at 200 C. This is to be
used purely for space heating. 


8)      The technology is and always has been derived from Thermacore and
BLP but that is not a concern for the Chinese market. It is completely

9)      In China, the cost for this heat will actually be considerably more
than for the coal which it replaces, but air pollution is such a strong
concern there over there that as many 10,000 of the Blue Boxes will be
required for Beijing alone. They would like to start shipping soon.


10)   It should be no surprise to learn that the Chinese partner is gearing
up for full production now, with commercial product to be available this


11)   There is almost no real market in the USA for this device - as natural
gas is cheap, clean and the supply is growing, due to advances in fracking.
And no one wants litigation from BLP so this is an Asia-only product
(northern Europe may depend on whether Russia is a credible natural gas


12)   The entire scenario of the HotCat can now be seen as nothing more than
a brilliant deception- which was positioned only to give a year or two of
extra time for Rossi. With significant cash flow to come in from China,
Rossi will try to find a way to make what is essentially the technology of
Randell Mills available in the USA.


With apologies to Harry Block. (BTW - my spell checker wants to substitute
"morticians" for "vorticians" which I find amusing in light of what is
really an autopsy of a dead report)



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