Axil Axil at a Vortex-l entry--Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:13 PM -- identified 
a paper by D.V. FILIPPOV, L.I. URUTSKOEV to be found at .  It was written in 2004.

This work provides an empirical model for transmutation of many isotopes with 
only low energy transitions involved. 

The author's  discussion and conclusions follow:
>>>>"The major conclusion of the paper is that the potentiality of a 
>>>>hypothetical collective process of low-energy nuclear transformations is 
>>>>shown to be
compatible with the known fundamental conservation laws. This claim is 
suggested by our successful attempt for a phenomenorogical description of
such a process -- first of all, by unumber of successful qualitative predictions
verified by the experiment.

Specifically, comparison of the results of modeling with experimental data show 
that the known fundamental conservation laws allow the existence
of a hypothetical collective process of low-energy nuclear transformations 
which rnay manifest itself in the following way.

1. This process may proceed at small input/output energies per participating 
atom,  namely those of the scale of chemical energies.
2. The final ensernbles with values of energy closest to that of the initial 
ensemble appear to consist of stable isotopes, tf the initital ensemble corr-
sists of stable isotopes as well.  In other words, the success of the proposed 
phenomenological model may be considered as an indirect evidence for:

      (i) probable collective nature of a hypothetical process of nuclear 
transformation and,
      (ii) probable importance of weak inreractions in describing the above 
process (more precisely - the importance of proton-neutron transformations due
      to the known fundamental interactions, namely, weak interaction, or some 
unknown ones).

Completion of the proposed model, even without specification of the mechanism 
of transformation, will allow making preliminary estimates of
the expected production of elements from the given input elements, and what is 
even more important, estimating the relevant input elements to produce 
requested output elements

It looks like now there are no theories capable of describing the phenomenon 
under consideration. Though the mechanism of transformation of
nuclei is not understood yet, it is natural to assume that there is some 
catalyst which may unite nuclei in a cluster and thus create  conditions for a 
nance, which might initiate an exchange of nucleons.  We consider the George 
Lochak's magnetic monopole to be one of possible candidates for
such a catalyst.   Magnetic monopole, proposed by Lochak, is a lepton, i.e., 
partictpates in the electroweak interactions and can be trealed as a 
magnetically excited state of neutrino.  Such a monopole is massless (or nearly 
massless), very light (from the viewpoint of energy scale) and can be born, for
example, in electromagnetic phenomena in condensed matter."<<<<

IMHO this paper should be given at least 1/2 hours of study by anyone 
interested in potential LENR mechanisms.   An assessment of the recent  Levi 
etal., paper and Rossi's and Focardi's statements about catalysts and 
transmutations seem to be forcast by this paper written in 2004.   These 
statements should be evaluated in more detail relative to its predictive model 

Bob Cook

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