Frank, I have been preoccupied with work of late but both the gf and I were 
experimenting with techs to lucid dream - she has done much better and 
continues to remember dreams but we are both falling short of complete lucid 
dreaming. The reward is a world where you can do anything including fly - it is 
still a virtual reality but so immersive that we experience it as real. Tools 
are available for free as Apps.. lucid dreamer and Binaural Beats are very good 
- the concept is that the low freqs for alpha and beta states can be slaved to 
the diff freq of tones delivered to each ear. The apps sweep these freqs at 
different rates and intensity in pursuit of different goals..power naps, lucid 
dreaming, concentration ect, ect.. there are also the old tricks of writing 
down notes and most important mantras repeated alternately aloud and to oneself 
to remember your dreams just before you fall off- having a partner or recording 
reinforce this goal of remembering is very useful.

From: Frank Znidarsic []
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 1:34 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:dreams

I am fully aware of what is going on in my waking life and I believe that I do 
understand my interaction with the environment

About a month ago I dreamed that I was at the local Vo-Tech and that I put on a 
pair of sneakers.  A man came running after me and said you sole my shoes.  
When I arrived at home I realized that I had put on the wrong pair of sneakers. 
 I then put them in the lost and found box at the mall.  I did not want to see 
that man again.

There was nothing remarkable about this dream except that I remember it.  It's 
the sort of thing that process the days events.  It seems to be random and 
disconnected from the waking life.

Last night I dreamed that I was going into the Vo-Tech and the security guard 
pulled me aside.  He said some man was after me.
Why, I wondered why, is he a nut!  The security guard told me I sole his 
sneakers.  I did not remember that.  I did not do that!  Then the security 
guard told me that the man then found his sneakers at the lost and found box in 
the mall.  Then I remembered the previous dream event and woke up to tell this 

How could this be?  All of the information from the previous dream was all 
implanted in my one mind.  The security guard was a figment of this minds's 
dream.  How could he know things that my dreaming self did not?  We were both 
operating on the same set of information.   What's remarkable is that our minds 
can hide information from the dreamer that one of the characters in the dream 
knows.  Then we can later remember it.  How can that be, its like a locked data 

I have now discovered that there is a lot going on in our minds that we are not 
aware of.  Dreams can go in a sequel with a different set of characters than 
exist within our waking life.

Frank Z

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