Hank Mills 
October 13th, 2014 at 10:22 PM 

Hello Everyone, 

A new article on PESN has been posted about how Dr. Brian Ahern, a scientist 
and long time LENR researcher, has changed his opinion about the paper 
documenting the month long test of a high temperature E-Cat. Initially, he 
indicated that he believed no excess heat had been produced. Such a statement 
aligns with his previous skeptical comments about the technology. But after 
consulting with an expert in IR measurements – who declared the cameras and 
methodologies used during the test were correct and the same as he would have 
chosen – his doubts were resolved. He now feels the results are accurate. 
Please read the full article at: 


Perhaps he will be one of many previously skeptical individuals to recognize 
the truth that the E-Cat works. 

Andrea Rossi 
October 13th, 2014 at 10:52 PM 

Hank Mills: Dr Brian Ahern is a sincere and honest scientist. He says what he 
sincerely thinks to be right. Sometimes with excess of nerve, but I prefer go 
to the core of problems, ignoring the form outside. Speaking of things that 
count, and not of the useless blabla, the work made by Ahern with nickel and 
hydrogen is smart, as I already said in the period during which we got not very 
tender words from him. I confirm my opinion that he will be probably the first 
one to arrive to an industrial product after us. His publication has been very 
convincing for us. Thank you for the kind information. Warm Regards, A.R. 

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