Over the weekend Dr. Mills posted the following statement out on Yahoo SCP
in response to someone who may have been getting a little impatient in his
desire to help vindicate Dr. Mill's GUT-CP theory. He wondered if there
might be another demo in December... presumably to keep skeptics and
debunkers at bay. Dr. Mills responded with: 


We have achieved some great technological advances since the last
demonstration on July 21st.  We will start releasing information when we are
pushing to bring in more corporate partners, especially for power
distribution since our strategy entails engaging a lot of entrepreneurial
companies, small and large.


It is our understanding that BLP is currently working with one or more
outside engineering firms to develop the first SunCell(TM) prototype. I
believe the prototype, once delivered, is supposed to be capable of
generating somewhere in the neighborhood 100 kilowatts of electricity,
presumably completely off the grid. One assumes the recent cash infusion to
the amount of $16M generously supplied from private benefactors continues to
attend to these on-going engineering efforts.


I am still under the impression that BLP hopes to have the first of these
prototypes delivered before the end of December, next month. No way in hell
do I believe that the December delivery date will be met. BLP also wisely
gave themselves ample wiggle room to expect the possibility of delays with
statements such as: "current management estimate, subject to change". This
is not an attempt on my part to express skepticism of BLP's chances for
success. It is nothing more than personal opinion of mine based on a 36+
year career in IT & software development for the State of Wisconsin. It had
been my personal experience that few deadlines in software development have
ever been met where original requirements and expectations had been
faithfully met. (Fact is: Unanticipated bugs happen... they happen a'lot!)
Why should the development of this first one-of-a-kind a prototype be any
different. Quite frankly I'll be ecstatic if BLP can get a prototype
publicly demonstrated by the end of 2015. Better yet, should BLP manage to
get one publicly demoed significantly earlier no one would be more pleased
than me than to have my provincial speculation skewered by "The Doctor".


* * * *


In the meantime, for your enjoyment and potential edification I have just
published a 40 page PDF file on Blacklight Power. (1.5 meg - graphics
included.) The contents are based on my personal observations of BlackLight
power written from the perspective of a outsider, a spectator who has on a
rare occasion managed to interact with a couple of individuals far more
deeply involved in the on-going BLP saga than I. You may download a copy of
the report at:




Please keep in mind this publication is not a technical report. It would be
more accurate to describe the contents as a layman's attempt to wrap his
provincial sensibilities and curiosity around an extremely controversial
subject which, as of this date, has yet to be vindicated. Much of the
content I touch on has been out in the public domain for some time now,
scattered to the winds here and there. I have attempted to assemble and
distill much of the "scattered" controversy into easy digestible bits that a
layman might better understand or at least appreciate. I've also included a
couple of interactions (experiences) I had with one or two key individuals,
the ramifications of which I suspect are less well known out in the public
domain, but IMHO should be.


Should anyone run across gross grammatical errors or inaccurate facts drop
me a line and point them out to me. Assuming your criticism does not devolve
into personal commentary to the effect that GUT-CP is a stupid unworkable
theory (quite frankly, I don't know whether GUT-CP is a correct theory or
not), I'll do my best to correct provable errors.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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