John, I suspect that you are reading my lack of answer the wrong way.  I have 
been quite busy writing a post about how to test an ECAT like device during a 
lot of that time.

Pushing a mass against gravity is a way to store potential energy.  Without 
going into details I suspect that energy must indeed be stored as mass in this 
case.  Perhaps later it will become clear as to how that takes place and how it 
can be measured.

Perhaps it would be better for you to come up with a practical method of 
storing energy that can be applied to a reactionless drive and then someone can 
show you how you are making a mistake.

Actually I believe it would be better for you to research the concept and 
answer that question for yourself.  Take the spring for example.  Choose a 
closed system that includes the spring and a battery and motor.   Energy stored 
within the battery can be used to drive the motor that can then have gears that 
compress the spring.  If the spring did not store energy in the form of mass 
then that system would loose mass as the battery is discharged.  A nuclear 
battery or reactor could perform the same function.

So, that is an example of a stand alone system similar to those that you are 
considering which would loose mass as a result of internal operations.   A 
reactionless drive is not required in this case to lead into a unrealistic 

I imagine any of the ideas that you are proposing can be subjected to a similar 
thought process and proven wrong.  You can determine that without my 

The Q of a microwave cavity determines how long it takes for the internal 
reflections to die down.  This is a well understood process.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Berry <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 2:30 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A reply.

David, I take it you now accept that energy can be stored without increasing 

I can see you have avoided tackling the subject so I assume this is an 
admission that you can't.

This then means we can produce a reactionless drive by changing between forms 
of energy that do and do not contribute mass.

As for the microwave cavity, if you put microwaves in a cavity, how long after 
you stop pumping in microwaves do they stop bouncing around inside?  Real 
world, which means an imperfect cavity.
So the production of thrust seems to occur as a bonus. We can't really observe 
that the energy loss is greater because thrust is produced.

Additionally the argument energy could come to nothing it maybe in a sense 
correct, but only because a true reactionless drive by default will destroy the 
conservation of energy by allowing both the creation and destruction of energy. 
Creation because reaching double the speed with the same energy cost is a 
violation as it implies eventually gaining more from acceleration that the 
energy cost.
And indeed because opposing kinetic energy results in a net loss of energy.

But an assumption about the perfection of the CoE should not be assumed since 
that is just a theory and one that is based on the assumption that the fabric 
of space does not change. But if this device is pushing on the virtual 
particles of space or maybe the Higgs Boson or space time it's self then energy 
would not necessarily be conserved.

Here is an article on the non-conservation of energy:

Please remember that the conservation of energy is just an idea based on 

And I would personally argue that treating energy like a supernatural force 
makes no sense and that any example of energy being converted and conserved 
looks much more like creation and destruction of energy happening in perfect 

And that giving energy some life, some existence besides the mechanics of the 
situation is mysticism.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:05 AM, David Roberson <> wrote:

When the ship was moving in one direction only we calculate that all of the 
missing mass ends up as kinetic energy of the ship.  But now that two 
directions are used and we end up at the original starting point and velocity 
we decide that all of that energy is imparted to the negative energy sea.  How 
do we reconcile these two very different sinks for the energy?

I seldom like to use the term magic in a scientific argument, but that is the 
best way to explain this concept.   We operate a device onboard our ship for a 
long period of time while our ship vanishes into thin space.   We have 
absolutely nothing to show for the missing mass and no one can locate any of 
it.  That is a long stretch.

A second observer that was at rest next to the ship before the drive was active 
is also confused.  He sees the ship gaining kinetic energy while violating the 
conservation of momentum by demonstrating no exhaust stream.  But then, it 
returns to his side with no motion remaining and contains potentially much less 
mass than before.  He must be totally baffled.  This is especially difficult 
for him to understand when everything would add up correctly had the ship used 
a normal drive by ejecting exhaust.

There are too many inconsistencies for me to accept the concept as possible so 





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l <>

Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 12:14 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A reply.

The guy need only account for the loss of mass energy by adding the amount of 
energy transferred to the negative energy sea. 
Of course, if he does not consider a negative energy sea exists, he cannot 
properly account.  He is stuck with an observation that makes no sense to him. 
His reaction less drive converted what was originally linear momentum of real 
particles to the intrinsic property of angular momentum energy,  which he does  
not accounted for in measuring the the rest mass of real particles.  The rest 
mass of his ship has decreased from his counting of particles, the angular 
momentum of the universe has been transferred to the negative sea--the Dirac 
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   David   Roberson 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 8:23   AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A   reply.

Yes, he can   determine that he has changed velocity by looking outside the 
ship at other   objects.  That is why I proposed the recent posting where he 
returns to   the original location and velocity.  That procedure counters the 
thought   that a final velocity change can obscure any problems due to usage of 
the   reactionless drive.  Special Relativity is generally considered capable   
of countering the natural feeling that a particular velocity is important in   
space, but with zero velocity change there is no need to play that   card.

The guy must reconcile where the mass of his ship has gone after   using the 
reactionless drive.




-----Original   Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l   <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 10:38 am
Subject:   Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A reply.

You stated:
<<<After the drive is shut down the ship   stops accelerating and comes to rest 
in space. Even though the new velocity is   different than the old one before 
the drive operates, a guy onboard the ship   can not determine that he is 
moving. >>>
Yes he can determine he is moving.  All he   needs to do is look out the window 
and see that he  is moving relative to   objects that were fixed before he 
started his travel and are assumed to have   remained fixed.  
----- Original Message ----- 
From:     David     Roberson 
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:21     PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron.     A reply.

The fact     that energy can be extracted from the battery to drive the 
microwave source     is certainly possible.  No one will ague against that 
point.  The     problem is that this energy can be depleted without having 
anything to show     for its loss.  If taken to the extreme most of the ship 
can be     converted into energy by some nuclear process to supply power for 
the drive     mechanism.

After the drive is shut down the ship stops accelerating     and comes to rest 
in space.  Even though the new velocity is different     than the old one 
before the drive operates, a guy onboard the ship can not     determine that he 
is moving.  He will not have any kinetic energy     relative to himself.  He 
sees that his ships mass has depleted but has     nothing to show where it 
went.  With a normal drive the guy can see the     exhaust that is moving 
relative to him which contains all of the converted     energy.




-----Original     Message-----
From: Eric Walker <>
To:     vortex-l <>
Sent: Mon,     Nov 24, 2014 12:02 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:They call me a moron. A     reply.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 8:26 PM, David Roberson <>     wrote:

I encourage       anyone out there with knowledge about how to overcome the 
obvious problems       to offer their input.

One thought here -- the "reactionless drive" that I     am aware of being in 
the recent news is the EmDrive.  That one involves     the generation of 
microwaves and their reflection in a cavity.  It's     not clear whether anyone 
other than Nasa and the inventor believe that it     works as advertised.  But 
if it does, note that energy must be expended     to generate the microwaves, 
e.g., by a battery, to which the usual E=mc^2     conversion will apply.


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