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On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Karsten Otto wrote:

Hello everybody,

Hi Karsten, glad to see you are still plugging away at it. By the way, there is someone else who is working on getting things to work on OS X (adu on #vos, I don't know/can't remember his email address so would the real adu please stand up).

I am still messing with vos on the Mac, this time playing with omnivos.
I found out after a while that I can start omnivos like this:

vos/apps/omnivos$ ./omnivos -n -c 3dworld-blocks.xod


I found the reason for the latter after trying make again, it goes like:

Making all in plugins
for lib in .libs/.so* .libs/.*dylib .libs/*.dll ; do \

which is clearly wrong, having the wildcards in those strange places, and not handling *.bundle at all. I tried autoreconf, but the problem persisted. Oh well... autotools...

That part isn't part of autoconf, it's part of inplace.mak which I wrote to make those symlinks. I'm confused though, what is the difference between .so, .dylib and .bundle on OS X?

Hmm, on second look, it may be that it is the plugin loader code which is looking for .bundle (it selects the default file extension based on OS of course). Perhaps that just needs to be changed/added to look for .dylib and .so.

Next thing was a manual fix, creating a .bundle symbolic link for every .so in plugin/.libs. Now omnivos loaded the plugins, but obviously something is still wrong. I inspected the
the sector vobject "world" with mesh, ad it had all the correct types:

vip://alu.mi.fu-berlin.de:4231/world> types

BUT it does not have the expected children associated with them, e.g. misc:talkative is missing. Only the default geometry hildren are present,

I want to say that misc:talkative isn't actually created until it is used. So I wouldn't expect it to be there. Come to think about it, the factory metaobject keeps its configuration elsewhere in /vosapp:configuration.

i.e. Plane, 3 cubes, 3 lamps, default-viewpoint.
(btw. the YellowCube is calles MagentaCube too :-) Checking vip://

Yup, the naming strangeness is a mistake in the original file, nothing wrong there ;-)

interreality.org/world in contrast, which is assumedly hosted by just the same omnivos configuration (?), does have the missing children...

Heeeeelp! :-)

- From your description, it actually sounds like it is working fine! What else is missing besides misc:talkative (which I think is not really missing?)

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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