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On Fri, 12 May 2006, Reed Hedges wrote:

I think it would be worthwile to set up a CVS mirror of the main bzr
branch at some point (after you get bzr working), just a readonly mirror
would be useful.  Bzr *will* throw some people off who just want to
monitor the code, and don't want to install bzr (or they can't because

You're right of course. I don't think it will be too hard to set up. Since I'm doing major surgery to the build (to add CS, Wx and Boost branches) I didn't want to deal with being halfway between CVS and bzr, I needed to pick one, and bzr has impressed me enough that it seemed like it was time to make the jump.

One complication might be the way I'm currently planning on setting it up to use multiple branches. I'd like the downloads of wx and boost to be optional, so that it doesn't fetch them if they arn't needed. This is going to be handled with a "boostrap" configure script which checks to see if the packages are available on the system and gets them if they are required present. I'm not sure how best to do that to also support CVS; perhaps the download process can be wrapped with an m4 macro to select between bzr and cvs.

they're not adiminsters of their system, or for whatever reason bzr
can't be ported or whatever to their OS).  (And don't want to keep
downloading snapshots...)

Well, it's written in Python, so platform support should not be too big of a deal. Does OS X or XCode come with Python by default? On Windows I believe they are using a program "py2exe" which packages up all the python runtime and modules into a standalone executable. Debian has a bzr package, as does Fedora Core.

I should also mention that bzr is being developed by Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu Linux distribution. Presumably bzr is being used to directly support Ubuntu development, so they've got a lot riding on it.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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