On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 11:56:39PM -0400, Reed Hedges wrote:
> Hi Benjamin. Great news that you can work on the debian packages!
> Current development is not yet ready for release, but we won't be doing any 
> file
> reorganization I don't think so you could use it to get the packages set up,
> maybe we could put up a  "snapshot version" if you want, but once it's ready 
> to
> release they'd be ready to go.  
> One thing you might notice is that things are divided into a few binary
> packages, but could be divided further.  I.e. we oughtto have seperate
> packagesfor:

Oh, to be clear, I was recommending that the "groups" be virtual packages, for
user convenience.

E.g. when I made a list like this:

> vos-corelibs:
>     libvos
>     libvutil
>     libvip

The real packages are libvos, libvutil and libvip, (or actually those would
themselves be virtual packages depending on vibvosX, libvutilX, libvipX where X
is the major libtool version...), and the "convenience" virtual package is

Also this is just my recommendation, if you need to do things a bit differently
that's OK too.


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