Hi Guys

When I get a chance, I'll start poring over the CrystalSpace and Ter'Angreal code to understand how it fits together.

Prior to that, I want to set up a world on an Omnivos server running at home, to understand the limitations of the engine as it stands at the moment. If the environment that I build has some sort of function, then all the better!

Perhaps from there I could try to integrate that sound module from CrystalSpace. But one thing at a time. :)

On another note, regarding the sorts of things that people are interested in, a friend of mine, who's a 3d designer, mentioned that if he could use VOS to create animated 3d environments, he would be sold on it.

I'm so pleased to have discovered VOS.

Kind regards

Ben Collier

On 08/11/06, Sebastian Hoffmann < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 07:45:37PM -0500, Reed Hedges wrote:
> CrystalSpace has a plugin that can play WAV and other files (and I think
> Ogg Vorbis too?).

WAV, Ogg Vorbis and mikmod. MP3 was removed due to licensing issues after
the MP3 license changed.

Liebe Grüße,
"Glücklich zu sein ist oberste Bürgerpflicht."
  -- Paranoia, West End Games
"Oh, look at the time, 1984 already."
  -- Daria (MTV)

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